Imnotquiteright · 36-40, M
I done both and physical jobs are much better. I always felt like being in an office was too much like school. Although I work in one now, I'm planning on going back to manual labour soon.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Office work and the same reason as steoryguy, too old for anything else
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I work in an office now and I like it. Although I am physically fit, I wouldn't want a blue collar job, let alone one that requires physical labor.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
lucky me i have the best of both swirls.... :P

on some days. and then about 3 days of that would just about kill me, I think.
TheCoolestCat · 31-35, M
i did gardening for like a whole summer once...... it sucked
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Same here, I've had both and there are both good and bad things about each one. I felt better when I was doing physical jobs until my back started up later in life but a lot of that was having our workloads increased to the point they wanted us to work through unpaid stress got bad as well. An office job with errands to run is ideal for me....get to get up and move around and not feel confined inside all day.