I like to work under the assumption that most people try to be good, but we're inherently flawed and bound to make mistakes. That being said, I make careful note of people's actions and use what I've observed in order to temper my relationship with them. It's good to try and be aware of what someone is capable of.
mic11225 · 26-30, M
I think in a similar way, but i cant help but feel that Im being hypocritical in thinking that because although people might be willing to do bad things at one point in their life who is to say they no longer are willing to do those things. But if we forever think they will do those things again then haven't we branded them as that bad thing?
i forgive and forget pretty fast because nothing anyone does really bothers me.. mostly people are just worth the energy or they are not
in the past I would've said none...now I believe when they not only don't live up to your standards but fall far far below them that you no longer believe you knew that person in the first place.
I've yet to figure the forgiveness part out yet.
I've yet to figure the forgiveness part out yet.
mic11225 · 26-30, M
it can be illogical and unsafe to forgive, but it can also be illogical to never forgive because people are complex. I could have worded it better in hindsight but i wanted to know when is someone nonredeemable as a human being in people's eyes?
@mic11225: when their actions become that of the morally bankrupt. There are some actions you can't take back.
After a fault becomes repetitive. If a person were to lie one time, I could perhaps forgive them by looking to see what motivated them. If they lied 10 times, I would label them a habitual liar and be done with them. However, if they lied 100 times but then began to practice avoiding lies I would begin to look at them anew and forgive them. We are our actions. I suppose I never forget though. I wish I could, but I always remember, just in case.
mic11225 · 26-30, M
yeah i would say im the same way. Just knowing that people have the capacity and willingness to do certain bad things makes me not trust them but at the same time, the capacity and willingness to do bad things is probably more common than I think. I want to find a line. If someone steals something once are they a thief for the rest of their life or can they be and be seen as something more? Could the same be said of someone who committed murder or someone who assaulted an innocent person?
Steve42 · 56-60, M
People are people. I try to forgive quickly so I don't have to carry the weight of it around with me. I don't usually forget.
I forgive anyone quickly, but I have a hard time forgiving myself.
mic11225 · 26-30, M
Do you consider yourself as bad as the worst thing you've done or do you think you are better than that thing and you just made a mistake or that you were a different person at the time?
bijouxbroussard · F
At the point where they're unrepentant and it's something that can't be undone.
mic11225 · 26-30, M
I think thats the ideal criteria
Adogslife · 61-69, M
I just don't have time for assholes in my life, men or women. I'm a pretty relaxed, kind person, so if you're going to fuck with me it's you that has issues. Likewise, if you've done something awful to others, or committed a serious crime, I just don't need you in my life in any way, shape or form.