Peaceful · F
I think your question revealed who you are.
MyHeartBeatsForYou · 31-35, M
No , your reaction revealed how you are biased fucktards and it was very obvious
Peaceful · F
@MyHeartBeatsForYou: biased? I'm not sure you know what that means. To ask complete strangers if they'd been raped and then ask how many times shows how insensitive you are. May want to reflect on why people were so upset and stop blaming others for your issues.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
What's to reveal? Your stupidly has nothing to do with me. You're best off just admitting you were wrong.
MyHeartBeatsForYou · 31-35, M
I wasnt wrong and you really think i am stupid for asking such a question ? Ahh it is just ur stinky mind that tell you so
Adogslife · 61-69, M
@MyHeartBeatsForYou: "stinky?" Are you twelve?