LadyGrace · 70-79
We can't help when we've faced abuse or trauma. Hopefully the following will help. These are all natural and cannot harm you, like drugs. There's too much myth and stigmatizism around those subjects. Anything can cause it. Usually an imbalance from poor diet, could be trauma, lack of a certain vitamin, but we all experience it at times and that doesn't mean we're mentally ill. When people start feeling more comfortable about talking about it, they'll stop suffering in silence and start reaching out for help.
Use MSM....excellent! for anxiety and depression. Sometimes GABA, which is known as the "happy pill". I know other things help as well. Especially sublingual B-12, which I take in cherry flavor and melts under your tongue. Very good flavor. Then there's B-Complex, Vit. C, and Vit. D-3. Hope these help someone. Calcium/Magnesium before you go to bed. 3 capsules
Testimony of others:
Having been suffering from bipolar, bulimia, anxiety disorder and depression for 5 years. Tried ACETYL L-CARNITINE. Have one thing to say, it's freaking amazing! I'm surprised you don't hear about it much. It helps my anxiety better than cold showers, antidepressants, and even Xanax! I'm so happy that that i found out about it. It's like the hell I've been living in for years is over. This supplement has the strength of a prescription drug. I advise everyone who has anxiety problem to give a try. Though I need like 50 mg a day instead of 5000 the way they recommend. 5000 is too much for me to tolerate. Find your dosage. And never give up. Try every supplement for depression and anxiety out there, one by one. Some will do nothing, some will make you feel worse, but there'll be one, two, or even more that will help you and make your life a beautiful and joyful thing to have. Good luck everyone.
Acetyl L-Carnitine has changed my life as well. I have suffered from depression since I was a child, have tried every medication out there and nothing seemed to work.
Use MSM....excellent! for anxiety and depression. Sometimes GABA, which is known as the "happy pill". I know other things help as well. Especially sublingual B-12, which I take in cherry flavor and melts under your tongue. Very good flavor. Then there's B-Complex, Vit. C, and Vit. D-3. Hope these help someone. Calcium/Magnesium before you go to bed. 3 capsules
Testimony of others:
Having been suffering from bipolar, bulimia, anxiety disorder and depression for 5 years. Tried ACETYL L-CARNITINE. Have one thing to say, it's freaking amazing! I'm surprised you don't hear about it much. It helps my anxiety better than cold showers, antidepressants, and even Xanax! I'm so happy that that i found out about it. It's like the hell I've been living in for years is over. This supplement has the strength of a prescription drug. I advise everyone who has anxiety problem to give a try. Though I need like 50 mg a day instead of 5000 the way they recommend. 5000 is too much for me to tolerate. Find your dosage. And never give up. Try every supplement for depression and anxiety out there, one by one. Some will do nothing, some will make you feel worse, but there'll be one, two, or even more that will help you and make your life a beautiful and joyful thing to have. Good luck everyone.
Acetyl L-Carnitine has changed my life as well. I have suffered from depression since I was a child, have tried every medication out there and nothing seemed to work.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Good suggestions! I also find that holy basil capsules help depression.
LadyGrace · 70-79
Really? Cool!!! I welcome all great responses, like this one! 😊🤗 @greenmountaingal:
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Keep fighting and in the long run it won't win.
I bought a cute robot charm the other day :)