some people are just bad in the real world and anonymous world, but other kind of people, which you can say I am one of them, I be myself and talk what bothers me here, but in the real world, I only pray to Allah about what bothers me, because not everyone would like to hear your story haha
sawball05 · 31-35, M
well i hope alluah answers your prayers hmm.

@sawball05: what if my prayers got heard by allah and I ended up being happy, but I had to let go, because I still did not find a good reason that would make me agree to be living my life like I deserve? Do you think there will be a chance for someone to prove me wrong? I don't think anyone would handle being with a lady who has a good heart father who can be so kind and generous, but his only bad habit is that he cannot live his life without anyone to help him on anything about his business or emails, or anything. It will be a burden on any guy's life, and he will never feel happy with me.
So now all I pray is that even if I find someone who cares about me, he has to accept my situation.
So now all I pray is that even if I find someone who cares about me, he has to accept my situation.

I was on ep . Did you try league of legends before dota?
sawball05 · 31-35, M
nope. dota it is :)
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
Tinkerhell · 41-45, F
Sorry dude, only us EP jackasses came here.
JK, keep searching, we are everywhere.
JK, keep searching, we are everywhere.