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How do you help a friend who you’re 90% positive that they’re having a psychotic episode, but he thinks everyone or a group of people wants to harm

Him/put him in a body bag. I’ve told him where he can get help, he wants to prove his sanity, but it seems more like a mental breakdown. He’s a friend and a neighbor so even if I want to I can’t cut him off. I don’t do that to friends especially with a mental health problem. I’ve had a few psychotic episodes myself and thought an organization was after me. If he’s going through a psychotic episode I know the hell he’s living in. I don’t think my neighbors are out to get him. He seems to shift the blame on one person in the apartment building to others whom we don’t know. How do I help him?
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PoeticPlay · 56-60, M
Keep a protective watch over him.
From a safe distance.

Keep talking to him in order to let him know that he is not by himself.
That he has someone who is willing to help.

Emphasis on listening to what it is he is trying to communicate.

Try to assess his physical health by asking him how he has been taking care of his needs daily
Like food, shower, clothes, sleep.
Get him to give his mind a moment to do a self check. A distraction from think about harm from elsewhere.

Show him that you are standing by willing to give him help if he asks for it.
And if you are really willing to step up and bare the responsibility of being a life line.

This might help the both of you.

It helps me.
Good luck.
Carissimi · F
I’m not sure you can. If he’s psychotic, he needs professional help, and you have already told him where he can find help, so you have done what you can.

What helped you?
MrAboo · 36-40, M
@Carissimi the first time my father drove me to the emergency room followed 8 weeks of hell in my head cooped up in a psych ward.
Carissimi · F
That does sounds like hell on earth. I’m sorry you suffered so much, and I hope you are doing much better, and continue to do so. @MrAboo
MrAboo · 36-40, M
@Carissimi Thank you. So far I haven't had a 5th episode. I think it was a reaction to the way I was living and my brain was forcing me to stop living as I was. Dropping out of school and not smoking weed all day were pretty much the problems I faced.
Iwillwait · M
That's hard. Guess all you can do is try and help him rationalize through to the truth.
MrAboo · 36-40, M
@Iwillwait turns out he tried to go to a psych ward, but left. He was very receptive to my surprise on going to to a walk in.
Lilnonames · F
Video him and show him he needs help
MrAboo · 36-40, M
@Lilnonames he was very erratic, especially his speech
Iwillwait · M
@MrAboo How so?
MrAboo · 36-40, M
@Iwillwait his movements, saying one thing then changing the topic just as quickly. The topic change would be very anecdotal and not apart of the original topic.

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