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We are all children of this planet

Though we may be scattered and separated, we are all connected.

We are connected in spirit, vibration, and the human experience.

We all have the right to be alive, to be considered, and to be happy.

What makes us great as humans is our humanity.

Our love and compassion. Our hope and generosity.

It’s very important to help others because when we help others in need we enrich not only theirs but also our lives.

We raise the spirits of those around us and the people we help. It spreads love, and that is contagious.

It’s the greatest contribution, especially when it’s without any gains or expectations.

Helping others pays it forward to future generations and will help to make the world a better place overall. :)
Beautiful thought, words and deeds really make this world a better place.

Yes, there are bad people in every corner, and they pull us down to their miserable level….but it’s the kind-hearted samaritans that make the world go round…give us hope of a better tomorrow.

Thank you for another great message, Robin 💙🤗🌷You rock!
@Vivaci Thank you for your powerful words, your comment is brimming with positivity, a part of your character that I appreciate and like from the start. Very often sparks of your positive aura jumped on me and sent me a light in dark times so there is no doubt for me that you are one of the people who make this world a better place. :*
GLITTER · 36-40, F
Love this post and so true about helping others, it’s not only what you do for them but how that makes you feel too.
@GLITTER Exactly! A lot of people underestimate or don't even know the good feeling you get when you've been able to help someone else. The gratitude and joy of the other comes back to you automatically and gives you a damn good feeling that you carry with you for a long time, that makes you somehow elated and makes you see the world more positively.
GLITTER · 36-40, F
@RobinPhoenix and once you catch the big it’s hard to rid yourself of it 😊
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
Dies ist die beste, die allerbeste Post seit langem, die ich auf SW gelesen habe. 👍
@Loretta78 Danke :) Ich dachte es ist Zeit für ein bissle Menschlichkeit... besser gesagt, daran zu erinnern, wie wichtig diese ist... 🧡
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@RobinPhoenix Jahahahahaaa... weißt du, eigentlich hast du hier was gepostet, was eigentlich eine Selbstverständlichkeit sein soll. Und das ist es auch. Wenigstens für dich. Und auch für mich. ❤️

Aber für die meisten User auf SW wohl eher nicht... und du siehst ja, was für einen "berauschenden Anklang" deine gute Post hier mal wieder findet und wie viele User hier sich das zu Herzen nehmen. 😒
@Loretta78 Der Hauptanteil der user hier lebt in den USA und werden nun schlafen ;) deshalb war mir bewusst, dass nicht allzu viele Reaktionen auf meinen post kommen werden und das ist okay für mich.... ich wollte nur an etwas erinnern, das wie du richtig sagst, eigentlich selbstverständlich sein sollte aber in der heutigen Zeit leider allzu oft verloren geht...
Humans are the least trustworthy, most dangerous species on the planet .
@Ryderbike Luckily not everyone is like that, but unfortunately far too many are like you write. It is all the more important that those of us who are not dangerous and untrustworthy form a strong counterweight to the negative ones. This is the only way to gradually make our world a better place to live. It's not easy and we need a lot of strength, courage and patience for it, but I believe that humanity can be good.. we owe it to our children and grandchildren to try and never give up.

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