Its ok to reject someone due to their body type or apparence
Its called preference. Some people just have no attraction to certain body types or apparence. Like I dont , I prefer women with big boobs and thin like athletic because Im one of those women so I feel more comfortable , and preferably ones that are blonde as I am , my crush is very plus sized but has great big boobs but I had an crush on her before so I didnt mind so much , Shes still very beautiful as in her face , she rejected me for being too thin , straight out said it And I thought thats ok , I am very thin and she wanted an girl who was her size. With my partner Its more complex so I dont mind what he looks like. I mainly like women who look like glamour models , that goes way back from when I was an teenager. I dont find many others attractive at all who look average like the normal person or plus size. I know im too much for an lot of men but thats fine , they arent bad for not wanting me , even if they are afraid.