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Im never stopping at a walmart in uppity white people land ever again. Some old man took a pic of my liscense plate cause i didnt put my cart back

Im having a hard time functioning and walking far cause of health issues. I put the cart between our cars and pushed it up when i was done. Out comes some old white dude who happens to have the crappy minivan next to me. He says really and says hows he's supposed to get into his door. I ignore him and he's trying to talk to me while im in my car. I ignore him. He goes ti the back of my car as im trying to back out and takes a photo of my liscense plate while still talking to me as im ignoring him.

Listen buddy you could have pushed the cart up more or moved it. Its happened to me before ive had to move carts to get into my car but I'm not yelling at someone over it or making them feel threatened.

If you were in my neighborhood i would have decked his ass but because i was in uppity white people land i had to play by the rules. Who they gonna listen to my broke ass or some well off old white dude? Exactly
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
Here in England you have to put a pound coin (about $1.10) into the shopping cart to release it from its storage area.When you are finished shopping returning the cart to it's storage area releases the coin.If you don't take the cart back you lose your money.Everybody takes their carts back to the correct storage area.
jeancolby · 31-35, F
@tallpowerhouseblonde We also have a huge RV, its more like a huge coach/bus. Both great cars.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@tallpowerhouseblonde we have that for some chains. I think it’s a brilliant idea
heavyone2 · 61-69, M
@tallpowerhouseblonde that is a VERY good system and it works on 99% of the shopping carts. There was a company / shopping center I frequented many years ago in the upper North Eastern US and they had that system. There were NO shopping carts sitting everywhere and nobody had to worry about their cars being damaged due to lazy asses not taking carts back!
The carts required a quarter (.25cents) or a token could be purchased for less than that and be reused if you were a regular customer.
That would work awesome at walmart and other places.....!
LadyGrace · 70-79
You were in the wrong here, blocking that man's door. Switch things around and you would not have liked it either. And why you dragged "color" into this I'll never know. It had absolutely nothing to do with the incident. I can understand you saying what neighborhood you are in, but then you just kept going on and on about race. (i.e. Out comes some old white dude who happens to have the crappy minivan next to me.)
And what business is it of yours if he's driving a crappy minivan? You just sound like a very bitter and angry person, to begin with.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Slade shaking my head
Slade · 56-60, M
@LadyGrace ah, I have learned something🤗
Slade · 56-60, M
@Slade You are wise!😋
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
If you can’t walk to the cart rack why don’t you have a handicap plaque so you can park close to the door in a wide stall? How do you know he didn’t have trouble walking too. You are in the wrong on this one
Carissimi · F
So you are not only racist, but have a sense of entitlement that others should put YOUR cart back for you. Typical narcissistic Leftist.
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
@Carissimi and lazy too.
Carissimi · F
I understand if she has health issues and found the walk back to the cart station too taxing, but the attitude toward the man should have been contrition not hostility. If I felt so bad that I just couldn’t take my cart back, I’d at least leave it so it wasn’t blocking someone else’s door. If that wasn’t possible, I’d apologize profusely to the man, and tell him I’m not well, and I’d appreciate his help in moving the cart for me. I wouldn’t be taking off on him for my inconsiderate behavior. Hopefully, he’d understand and move it, but even if he didn’t, it would still be on me to be contrite. @tallpowerhouseblonde
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
@Carissimi I would do the same thing.Politeness goes a long way.It helps prevent confrontation and others are then more encouraged to be helpful.If the OP actually had assaulted the "old white dude" the best he could have hoped for is to have been arrested.Car park CCTV will have recorded everything.If the "old white dude" had a carry permit then the OP is dead.Maybe OP should just refer to "old white guy" as "that colonizer" and make a better job of being racist and take some spelling lessons too.
Slade · 56-60, M
Let's count how many times you complained he was white. In the meantime you can tell us how that's possibly relevant.

Good virtue signaling- you get anti white cred. And a cookie
Slade · 56-60, M
@SW-User If he doesn't have a nice car the cops will tell you both to scatter.

And was violence the only alternative?
@Slade He was the one coming after me. I stayed calm and ignored him. That doesn't mean anythijg theres some rich people that drive beaters. I wasnt violent he was the hostile one
Slade · 56-60, M
@SW-User So you tell him to screw - black, white or yellow. End of story
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@OldMan70 It’s funny. Every time I go to ALDI’s I can never get a cart— because I have no coinage. I generally have no bills either. It’s a great idea, but not practical in a world where more and more businesses don’t take cash.
TexChik · F
So you didnt put your cart up. The old man was just an a hole. His harassment of you was bordering on the illegal side of the interaction. The grocery stores here suddenly put up Isle direction markers for covid to indicate you could only go a certain way with your cart or I guess you would catch covid. I didnt know they were doing that and didnt see the sign. Of course it was in the opposite direction from the way I shopped. Some old busy body man 60 ish and his wife blocked the isle I was going down as I was shopping. I didnt see them until he grabbed my cart and started cussing at me. I told him to let go of my basket and he refused. I told him to let go again and he didnt, still not realizing the issue so I just started pushing the cart into him as hard as I could and then pulled back on it causing him to fall on the floor. I thought he was attacking me so I called the police and then pulled my pistol partially out of my purse and told them both I would use it if they assaulted me again. The police showed up and they cuffed the people, and they temporarily took my weapon along with my ID and carry permit and we went to the mangers office to see the video. It was clear I was oblivious to what was going on or that his wife tried to hit me from behind. The police took them in and booked them for assault.
@TexChik see that's what i was afraid was gonna happen. I blocked his door he could have pushed it up furthrr to get in he didnt have to try to bait me into a fight. I knew what he wanted and i denied him it
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
One time (at the time I was still somewhat recovering from my broken leg) and I parked in the front but NOT in a handicap spot. It was hard and extremely painful for me to get around because my joints would lock up and the pressure changes would cause my arthritis to flare up

This older man actually came up to me and told me I should park in another spot and leave the spots up front for old people

I just walked right past him and pretended like I didn’t even hear him. Entitled fuck.
Don’t go to Walmart before 12pm thats when tHeYrE there
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
that shit annoys me, I'd take the buggy and lay it over behind your vehicle so you couldn't back out. And I'd dare anyone to attack me in my vehicle because they're too fucking lazy to push a buggy back
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
@SW-User How did you get the cart in the first place if you cannot make longer distances?
@tallpowerhouseblonde inside the store the cart was there. I had to go slow and stop a lot to catch my breath
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
@SW-User So not in it's correct storage area.
heavyone2 · 61-69, M
And I guess you want an apology for the guy being white too...huh? And didn't you mention "upitiy" too?
jeancolby · 31-35, F
Stay in the hood if it makes you feel any better. He doesn't want you there anyway.
jeancolby · 31-35, F
@tallpowerhouseblonde He got what he deserved and then some, you boss should have given you a raise.
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
@jeancolby My ex boss is a great guy and I learned a lot from him.I got promoted past him a few years ago.Yeah that guy had a long list of injuries including a punctured lung.
jeancolby · 31-35, F
@tallpowerhouseblonde I'm glad there is some one taking up against these male thugs, you have my vote.
Teslin · M
Just common courtesy to bring your cart back to the appropriate place. Leaving it in a position that blocks his door is rude by you.
Him taking a picture of your license plate is useless though.
@Teslin like what he gonna get me banned at the store? Break my heart
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
@Teslin And you can spell license plate correctly too unlike OP.As for decking his ass that is a really fast way to get shot.9mm rounds centre mass is a high price to pay for not returning a shopping cart then carrying out an assault.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
If you are so infirm, how could you have "decked his ass?"
@HoraceGreenley my hands are fine
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
carpediem · 61-69, M
Good idea. Stay out of my neighborhood
candycane · 31-35, F
I would have took a Pic of him taking a Pic and it's not against the law NOT to put a cart back
@candycane i have q feeling if i did take a pic he would have been even more hostile
@candycane people do that at Krogers ,,when i see a cart i will take it in the store or put it in the rack ,,

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