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AltDel777 · 36-40
I haven’t been able to fully process especially what’s happened in the recent years. There’s been too much chaos that just kept happening and happening that it didn’t leave time or space to really deeply process things fully. I had to table them for a more suitable time to begin unpacking them. This processing of mine will take time but I’m more or less ok with that. It’s something I had to accept.

The battle is that I ‘ had’ to be somewhere by now so I get impatient with myself, impulsively want to move on and get on with life already. But I know I’ll miss important steps I need to learn to really get it right. So as to prevent repeating the same mistakes.

I’m the only one that holds me back for the majority and I get tired of being reminded of what I try to rush for the sake of ‘moving on’.

How about you?🌾🍁🌾🍁🌾
AltDel777 · 36-40
@cyberdude28 I used to journal but then I feel into a deep depression and things kept snowballing out of control. And I let myself go and things I liked. It’s because I was though, out of control, wasn’t fully aware I was, so it’s natural I saw this outside of me too, to show me evidence of my chaotic internal world.

I forgot about learning to trust others for a time being. I realized I had to understand what self trust is first. Once I began that the rest made more sense. I still question things but I know it’s more about getting a better grasp on myself. It made things more clearer. Yay life, lol.
cyberdude28 · 31-35, M
@AltDel777 yeah I remember when I used to be immensely happy before the pandemic. I was high on life! Everything was beautiful and I smiled a lot. I laughed very deeply, felt very deeply and loved very deeply. Food tasted magnificent, smells were amazing, music was my love. Just as life can be gloomy or depressing it can also be a magnificent adventure each and every day. I don't know if I will ever get to feel like that again but I don't feel too terrible lately I'm just kind of devoid of emotions and happiness but I don't feel bad either. I'm living but not necessarily alive.
AltDel777 · 36-40
@cyberdude28 Even though it can be unbearable, its still a place something that can be discovered in.

Life has many layers to it, you can read a book, listen to a song multiple times and you can garner something new from it still. Or it can have a different effect on you than previously.

Try an experiment: try to see how this place you’re in is space I can be in. **Space I can be in…. **And I can effect it how I want to.

You can do that in different ways, only this time don’t think it so much than to just try something. Like free style writing- no agenda at first just be random until eventually it’s more focused on a topic. So try things again for the sake of it, see what works and how it does🍁

fakable · T
feelings are thoughts. by learning to kill thoughts, you will learn to kill feelings. which thoughts | feelings to leave is your choice, but it is difficult and requires practice.

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