Tommorow I leave the city
Im hoping to drag my boyfriend along sometime , I arrived late so I didnt get to see much of it unforuntely as I mainly came for an event but I still remember it from when I was 18. I will be back soon hopefully but this time my boyfriend is coming with me (hopefully ) , I will miss it , I will never move there because its just so expensive although my line of work is very common I could easily afford it but I Just dont feel like its my home , I love it but I think moving there would ruin the special feeling I get from only visiting it occacionally , and I have to feel like Im meant to move somehwere before I make that jump. I think after about 4 visits you get bored , I did with all the other cities I visited 4 times or more. Im an bit sad but Im so happy to have been lucky enough to visit , I know some people cant afford to leave their state or city even for an visit as transport is expesnive these days so Im really lucky I got the oppountity.