Hey folks it’s been a while since I last posted anything,various reasons a foot,plus this site went like a graveyard and kinda still is which is kinda sad,For those who interacted with me over my time here and read my posts will hopefully keep doing so and for newer members your input is welcome,I am a retired combat specialist with several dozen deployments to various war zones,from Lebanon too Kosovo too Somalia and shitholes in between,I spent 40 years in the military and 30 years with 2 battalion army rangers,seen shit that would make a billy goat puke,now that I’m retired,god only knows why but I am finding it extra difficult too re intergrate back into normal society,and too add the icing to the cake,my partner of 21 yrs wants out,now ours isn’t your normal relationship,why you may ask,Well she is a femboi/transgender,now obviously the military never knew my private life in any detail,But at a time when you need the support n insight of a loved one,Well you get the picture,it just compounds the problem,all my life I have been a soldier,spit blood sweat n tears with comrades,lost a few here n there and others well,I was trained for one purpose,and done what I had too when necessary,but I never thought for one minute that society,friends,and eventually my government turned their backs n walked away,Kinda leaving me in that position in life as to where exactly do I belong and where do I fit in,Now at my age I’m aware life kicks yeh senseless when your down,getting back up is hard at times,but sadly extra hard this time round,Is it the greater plan of the good lord that military relationship are doomed or are we the soldiers just cursed for what we done,Can’t seem to answer that one just yet,or does society see us as headcases to be avoided n shunned,or is it just me being in my present position.Just looking honest opinions regarding the above,from community,ex military,etc..Many thanks for taking time out to read this,I appreciate your kindness n patience