I think at this point it's the way that things aren't always said in a direct kind of way because as much as I favor direct communication the love of my life does not.
She's not always able to be straight in how she says things but I'm left in a state of telling her about things and events that took place in my past and why I ultimately am the way I am after what I survived.
and what I get is "change the topic, I can't stand this!"
Which makes me realize that we're mirroring each others emotions...
when I like someone that way the amount of of senstivity and empathy skyrockets like it becomes very painful to even imagine them suffering.
But my partner and me have different communication styles. I'd come straight out and say it and she'd find some indirect way of saying it.
So it would come out like " I worry about your sugar intake."
where as with me it'd just be "I love you."