ByronTheRefinedMan · 100+, M
Yeth, when I was venturing through amazon, I always scared of giant ferrets . I shall never step in!
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
I too suffered working at Amazon. Some of their greatest hits were: after informing them of my frostbitten fingers from cycling over, they forced me to work in the chiller. My supervisor ordered me to take breaks at certain hours, which the computer didn't recognize which put me a half point away from being fired. I was on edge for half a month. I tried to work nights to escape the supervisors I disliked, but they followed me and made my life hell by assigning me the same task adnauseum .
REMsleep · 41-45, F
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Warewolfgal94 · 31-35, F
@REMsleep they knew because when my suger was starting to drop i put a jolly ranxhet in my mouth to help some
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@Warewolfgal94 Ok well sometimes they think that people are just complaining to get out of work.
Make sure that your health condition is documented by HR showing that you could pass out and you could possibly be classed at work as someone with a disability or special need and trust me right now Amazon is doing everything that they can to hire and retain disabled or they will get sued. I know this because I work with the disabled and Amazon is one of the largest employers that is hiring disabled like hotcakes right now.
Make sure that your health condition is documented by HR showing that you could pass out and you could possibly be classed at work as someone with a disability or special need and trust me right now Amazon is doing everything that they can to hire and retain disabled or they will get sued. I know this because I work with the disabled and Amazon is one of the largest employers that is hiring disabled like hotcakes right now.
Warewolfgal94 · 31-35, F
@REMsleep i told hr when i was first hired
LittleSpike · M
Just proves how Amazon treats there employees all around the world.
Seems too be shitty everywhere.
Seems too be shitty everywhere.
Warewolfgal94 · 31-35, F
@LittleSpike last week i threw up 4 times in my bathroom they didnt let me leave
LittleSpike · M
@Warewolfgal94 that is horrible. They don’t treat their employees like human beings. Therefore I can fully understand that you quit. Your health is more important then any job in this world