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Depends on what it's for sometimes they give you an option if you want to refuse treatment other times of it's life or death they take your option away
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Wolfqueen · 26-30, F
@SW-User I'm just freaked by needles
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Spoiledbrat · F
I wouldn't but I know it hurts. You should have seen the bruises on my arms the last time I was in the hospital. I wanted to punch one of nurses.
@Spoiledbrat totally understand that. They had to put IVs in my hand the last time I was in the hospital and it hurts like hell in the hand
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@Spoiledbrat Last time i had to have an ultra sound to find a suitable vein
Spoiledbrat · F
😯 @nedkelly
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
You can request them to inject a local anaesthetic on the area in the subcutaneous tissue with a 1cc needle before administering the actual IV. I've seen doctors do this especially if they must secure IVs with large bore needles
Yes but why would you ?
@Wolfqueen if it will help you it anyway
Wolfqueen · 26-30, F
@SW-User I told them I will sue if they do
@Wolfqueen that's your choice
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
What if you are really dehydrated?