whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Not really. There has been a steady progression to this point since the turn of the century with internal US politics slowly becoming disengaged with the reality of Americas place in the world. I confess I did not forsee the extremes to which Trump would be allowed to go without intervention from the executive. But given that and his lowest common denominator mob appeal it really was inevitable. Now the stae has moved, heaven help any rioters who step out of line. The big stick is in play.😷
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Amicus Part 1: Americans internal politics maintains the stance that America is still number one and the leader of the pack. And while that is still a reasonable position in terms of defence and the military it is no longer true in terms of money or trade. In fact WW3 has already been fought as an economic war and China won. I dont want to labour the point of Trumps tariff wars, but right now China is restricting the flow of automotive electronics to many global auto manufacturers. The whole supply chain is having to throttle back because there is a chinese hand on the brake.
Part 2: Covid is a wild card. But it has only weakened Americas hand. And Bidens "safe pair of hands" with a disruptive right wing is not a good sign. Internally with luck apart from rising prices there may not be too many issues, unless the world demands repayment or China gets ugly and takes over as the reserve currency, in which case, America will become as important as France. Although that may take longer than 20 years.😷
Part 2: Covid is a wild card. But it has only weakened Americas hand. And Bidens "safe pair of hands" with a disruptive right wing is not a good sign. Internally with luck apart from rising prices there may not be too many issues, unless the world demands repayment or China gets ugly and takes over as the reserve currency, in which case, America will become as important as France. Although that may take longer than 20 years.😷
Amicus · 56-60, F
@whowasthatmaskedman Your analysis seems spot on to me. Especially in regard to Trumps tariff wars. The best case scenario would be if our political unrest, would spawn positive social and cultural change, as it has done historically.
Specifically in regard to medical care, higher education, racial equity and global warming.
IMHO Trump has done so much damage.
Some problems are problems we have world wide. I would like us to study, and consider the different approaches to common problems.
We have much to learn
Specifically in regard to medical care, higher education, racial equity and global warming.
IMHO Trump has done so much damage.
Some problems are problems we have world wide. I would like us to study, and consider the different approaches to common problems.
We have much to learn
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Amicus I agree with you. But my words are far from analysis in this case. Its more like a "Guesstimate". Based onthe past.. But the human factors of who wins the struggle for power in America depends more on who has the money and influences the politicians than who gets liquored up and charges Capitol hill. The morons who did that risk becoming seen through the same lens as Islamic Terrorists after 9/11, by the American public. It really depends on the rhetoric. I can only guess at how that will play out.😷
Stjerne11 · 26-30, F
Not the government but it’s people.

The government itself? No.
Yes, we have a few nazis in government. But which country’s government doesn’t?
I was surprised by the lack of security protocols at the capitol. We took security for granted much like we took airplane security for granted in 9-11.
This will strengthen us more than weaken us.
Yes, we have a few nazis in government. But which country’s government doesn’t?
I was surprised by the lack of security protocols at the capitol. We took security for granted much like we took airplane security for granted in 9-11.
This will strengthen us more than weaken us.
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
No, not really
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F