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Do you feel the same?

I don't know how to put this into words....

But sometimes I just feel so alone.....and like I don't belong here...

I hide what I think, what I feel.

I wonder if other people feel this too?
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Lanyx · 41-45, M
I know your feeling. I always felt different from others. Roughly 4 years ago, I took a personality test and it turned out that I am one of the rarer personality types in the MBTI-theory. That put things into perspective for me. I now do acknowledge my "differentness".

I now send you a virtual hug.
NiaJz · 26-30, F
@Lanyx Thank You 😊.... I do accept the differentness for sure, I think that makes me think about the aloneness part. .....not lonely per se...but alone.
Lanyx · 41-45, M
@NiaJz Ouch. I know that this is the "chicken or the egg" loop. If you need support, feel free to contact me. However, I won't be available for a few hours: I have a few minutes before my night-shift begins. Feel free to drop me a mail, and I will respond to it.
NiaJz · 26-30, F
@Lanyx lol .... it's not a bad feeling actually just..."different". Really appreciate it btw.
Mindful · 56-60, F
I have felt the same way before— many times— I think that’s why comedians are funny— they have strength to say out loud what people don’t (so when people laugh they have shared similar conflicting thoughts)
NiaJz · 26-30, F
@Mindful so true! ....indeed that what makes them relatable to people.
alan20 · M
I suffer trom loneliness but often still want to be alone. It can be very difficult to articulate what or why I feel so tend to joke instead.
NiaJz · 26-30, F
@alan20 I totally get you! It's the same with me ....more of dry humour thing.
alan20 · M
@NiaJz I wonder if we're born like that. My parents used organise musical nights at our home. As soon as I could get away from playing the piano I'd go off as far as possible to enjoy the music from a distance; especially if it was pitch dark.
NiaJz · 26-30, F
@alan20 .... that's very relatable.
And maybe we are born like that. Hm.
Horsepower · 31-35, M
I can certainly relate, I think it's about the connection! You're not alone, people do think alike. It's about how someone can read your thoughts and make you feel comfortable!
We all are alone, but it's better to be spiritual when you feel alone.
NiaJz · 26-30, F
@ABCDEF7 the disconnection... it's like we are removed from a situation or just looking from outside, frankly I just feel that sometimes in case of emotions too.
@NiaJz Hugs. I think it's useful to meditate at that time. But we also need to connect to live happily and joyfully in this world.
@NiaJz I hope you would like this
Oh, yes. I feel that, too.
Quite often, actually.
NiaJz · 26-30, F
@NiaJz Very nice. I need to leave the house for about an hour, then I'll be back.
I'll PM you.

Talk to you soon. 😊
NiaJz · 26-30, F
@PhoenixPhail looking forward to hear from you!
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
I get depressed fairly infrequently but can feel like that when I do. Hope you're taking care and have people around you for support.
NiaJz · 26-30, F
@PhilDeep .... Thank You 😊. I tend to feel different when I'm depressed. ...this is more of an observation.
Unfortunately I think most people experience feeling alone at some point.. try and stay positive as it will at some point pass
Yes you don't really get to know people unless you do pm's.

Otherwise nobody on here is going to know the real you.
Sometimes like I'm not worthy enough or something
NiaJz · 26-30, F
@DaveyWavey01 I think that comes when you have very different perspective from people around....when people try to fit you in their definitions of "worthy"....or when you think that their definitions of "worthy" are the right ones....
Sometimes, yes.
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Tryingtomoveforward · 36-40, M
Yes I do feel it.
Lostpoet · M
I do the same
Like I'm out of place, it is hard to put into words

I don't think that you would be alone feeling like that

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