Didn't it become AHC, supposedly the American History Channel but more like the American Hitler Channel? Part of the problem is the fact that so much of historical material on film revolves around WWII, but also there is a huge interest in Nazis and Hitler these days. :(
So many channel started out with good intentions and then sold out: BRAVO, ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT, BIOGRAPHY...
@Darksideinthenight2 We're talking about the history channel and you brought up the future. What'd you expect?
You keep saying 'they'. Who's they? And no amount of math can account for human unpredictability.
You try to redirect the argument when there original point is whether history is limited or not. It is limited. I'm not arguing the length. I'm saying there's a limited amount of history. The further back you go, the less there is left to describe.
@TheSirfurryanimalWales I used to enjoy watching it to catcall and argue at the screen about all the stuff they got wrong. Futile but very satisfying :)
@Darksideinthenight2 Every culture and belief has their own views on extra-dimensional beings and supernatural creatures. Fits into historical categories if you narrate it right.