MasterLee · 56-60, M
So doctors shouldn't get paid? How are you going to reap all those taxes to pay for all these free services?
It is. Medicaid. Check it out.
Edit: at least in the states it is legal. But you need to get it done before the cut-off point which varies from state to state. And some doctors will deliberately lie to patients to prevent them from getting an abortion. Also, new health care laws that Trump enacted now prevent doctors from legally providing certain feminine health information unless the patient specifically asks for it. So ask lots of questions.
Edit: at least in the states it is legal. But you need to get it done before the cut-off point which varies from state to state. And some doctors will deliberately lie to patients to prevent them from getting an abortion. Also, new health care laws that Trump enacted now prevent doctors from legally providing certain feminine health information unless the patient specifically asks for it. So ask lots of questions.
seashells · 31-35, F
@CleverFunnyNameGoesHere that's what I'm worried about. Trump is the problem
@seashells Well, for now, abortions are still free in the states they are legal (I'm not entirely certain if they are actually illegal anywhere.). But for now, if you think you need an abortion, go see your doctor and get the diagnosis and referral process started.