ForeverRaindrops33 · 31-35, F
You can turn it off???? 

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Franky · 46-50, M
ForeverRaindrops33 · 31-35, F

Franky · 46-50, M

marsbar · F
Even if my dot's not on, people still know I'm here because our profile appears on the recently active users screen. But yes, it would be nice to just be on here sometimes to read & answer posts without having to answer or not answer PMs. :/
marsbar · F
@Franky: Not really. I've mentioned it before, so it's not like I'm hiding anything. The people who want to PM me already know what I know.
Franky · 46-50, M
@marsbar: Not like your hiding anything!!?
Your hiding your dot!!!
Your hiding your dot!!!
marsbar · F
@Franky: Lol. True, but I comment & post quite a bit, so people would know I'm on here anyways. They catch on. But for others, I can still hide. 

Franky · 46-50, M
Ahh 2 dots and 2 nondots so far! Ohh sorry.. thats 1 VIPnondot 1 normalnondot and 2 dots
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
You are in need of more coffee
Franky · 46-50, M
Ahhhh... VIPnondot has spoken! Coffee it is!
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knowledge is power. and I don't give away more than I want to.
Franky · 46-50, M
NonVIPnondot .. yeah! paranoia rules!
plywood · T
plywood · T
Morse code
Franky · 46-50, M
@plywood: OMG .. guys its an SOS! Nondot needing assistance! Man the boats!
plywood · T
Franky · 46-50, M
Dots and nondots brought together!
Its a miracle ..
Its a miracle ..
Bubbles · 36-40, F
My dot is on!
Franky · 46-50, M
OMG .. theres nondots everywhere!
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
I just have had mine turned off forever..i do not ever think about it really
ohplease · 46-50, F
I proudly show my dot.
Franky · 46-50, M
Yeah! Were not afraid to show our dots!
GoaskAlice · 56-60, F
Too many messages when my dot is on. I don't answer them, so then I feel guilty. Guilt takes away from my experience here. No dot, and proud. It's a tiny way to assert my independence. It's better then saying fuck off to all the creeps. Then they call me names and I insult them, and so on and so on....
Franky · 46-50, M
Yeah so many fucking perverts on here....giggle....
Franky · 46-50, M
Yeah so many fucking perverts on here....giggle.....
GoaskAlice · 56-60, F
Yeah perverts with stitches and upgrades... So naughty, Franky.