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Hit me with a hardcore fact of life that you had to learn the hard way.

Everyone is not trustworthy
@SW-User Hell i dont even trust myself anymore.
@SW-User Damn, bruh! That's sad!
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
People are infinitely fascinating.. and often infinitely weird and sometimes wonderful
revenant · F
people will pretend to be your friend to exploit you
@revenant Yeah that does happen and it sucks.
summersong · F
Not everyone who says they love you actually does.
@summersong Ouch...
SadReflection · 36-40, M
@summersong when it matters they will betray you
People will often make peace with the vilest and most barbaric of things simply to advance themselves the tiniest bit in some way...
They sell their humanity for far less than they'd ever willingly admit.
All human beings are NOT equal.
Some are only human in the very loosest academic sense.
@OMEGA Nailed it. Very true. Well put.
english · 56-60, M
being homeless and trying to go to sleep hungry, 🙁 both horrible experiences
english · 56-60, M
@SW-User @SW-User I DONT RECOMMEND IT , cheers mate🍻
english · 56-60, M
@seeandhear not good times right mate ,🍻 cheers
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Ksmile14 · F
No matter how good you try to be good and stay innocent evil can always get you.
SadReflection · 36-40, M
@Ksmile14 sometimes in the most horrific way
Ksmile14 · F
Some people will do anything to get what they want from you.
kodiac · 22-25, M
You don't know what you got till it's gone
The only person who has the power to ruin your life is yourself. They can only ruin a chapter of it. And it’s about not giving them the power to ruin your whole life. They can only ruin your life if you let them.
AlyAngel · F
Some people will take what they want with or without permission
@AlyAngel That sounds very scary to imagine particularly if you're talking about what i think you are.
MidnightBlue · 18-21, F
Don’t trust people, you’ll probably live longer 🤷🏻‍♀️
@MidnightBlue haha! Dont be too untrusting though yeah😉
Don't trust adults .
Or anyone.
They not only lack empathy some aren't even human.
People will say they love you and let horrible things happen to you and pretend they don't see because they're coward bitches.
They'll also leave you to die alone like a dog.
You have to fight like a beast and depend on no one but yourself.
@SW-User Damn... im so sorry
Being addicted to alcohol.
A broken heart isn't the most painful thing you'll experience.
Swinging on monkey bars 4 weeks after a cscetion is.
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@seeandhear Split myself in half all over again.
@SW-User Sounds painful
Carazaa · F
1.To put Jesus first
2.To tithe my money
3. Roth IRA account is important!
4. To put in 35 years of hard work for social security!
5. To not to marry a narscisists!
@Carazaa I like number 2. Many do not like that one at all😆
Carazaa · F
@SW-User God takes care of those who put him first in everything! We love our money so this is a big test! God has shown me he takes care of me!
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@JasonFisher Ok..Thats just too hardcore dude
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@seeandhear A couple of bones? No need for that now...
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BananaBrown · 41-45, F
The things you will or won’t do, greatly depend on circumstances.
@BananaBrown True indeed
Carazaa · F
@BananaBrown for some, yeah!
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@SW-User Very true.
MURD3RM0NK3Y · 26-30, M
She's gonna cheat on you even if you didn't do anything wrong to her
TheCoolestCat · 31-35, M
ketamine is a terrible drug
Rhodesianman · 56-60, M
That I am an exhibitionist .
Moonpenny · F
Close relatives have been the least trustworthy.
@Moonpenny Damn. Now thats a painful truth.
JoeyFoxx · 51-55, M
Tomorrow is inevitable
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@SW-User Oh thats nonsense! Whats next, santa isnt real? The world is not flat? Pfft!
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