Ynotisay · M
Well, considering that the "American Dream' really took root as propaganda to get people to buy houses I'd say it never really existed in the first place.

What was the American dream, anyways? Remind me? Two cars in every garage? Indoor plumbing?
realdonaldtrump · 70-79, M
the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative.

@1stAmendmentDead: Is that dead? There must be rags to riches stories, and it doesn't mean that everyone will succeed.
NightGalleries · 26-30, M
It was a dream for a few and nightmare to many.
lisasama · 26-30, F
Years ago, when It died along with native Americans.😬
TheConstantGardener · 56-60, M
Many years ago.

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Bigger things is gonna happen in 2017.
And I dont mean anything bad is gonna happen but shocking truth behind the White house. Soon the so called Elites will fade away and America will be powerful than Ever. I mean to the point where Nations will think we're on steriods. They will see how threatening we're gonna be in the future and possibility Fox. CNN. ABC and any poppular mainstream will be fucked or Who knows what Dobald Trump is gonna do with the lying puppet shows
And I dont mean anything bad is gonna happen but shocking truth behind the White house. Soon the so called Elites will fade away and America will be powerful than Ever. I mean to the point where Nations will think we're on steriods. They will see how threatening we're gonna be in the future and possibility Fox. CNN. ABC and any poppular mainstream will be fucked or Who knows what Dobald Trump is gonna do with the lying puppet shows
Ynotisay · M
What does it feel like to jump the tracks?