So. I leave the doctors office after having learned the reason for my swollen eye and begin my journey back to my office. I make a left on market and hear this loud annoying noise. I do what any sensible driver would do....I keep going. I try various speeds and note how the sound changes. I'm gathering data so I can sound intelligent when I take the car in and declare a problem to the mechanic. Soon the noise gets louder. So I pull over. I look near the tires. All clear. I check the plastic thingee (yes intelligent people say thingee. Don't judge). All clear. I glance toward the middle of the car and I see something metal hanging. I crawl under the car to get a closer look and find.....a fork. That's right. I ran over a fork. So well I might add that it wedged itself vertically in the car. I literally drug a fork down market avenue. That's talent my friends and puts a whole new meaning to the phrase "stick a fork in it"
LOL; most amusing thing I've read in some time ... lol. I cannot tolerate a noise in my car; never, ever. I have to find it, no matter what, and silence it. Oh, and I don't mean noise from passengers 😱 But I can relate with how you must have felt, but what a relief to find it was fork all ;)
Made me laugh too. You should have me exclaim, out loud, "it's a fork! My car has been stabbed by a fork!" To myself. Nobody around. I just laughed and drove away with my fork lol