An officer shoved an elderly man down, the man have fractured his skull and started to bleed out on the pavement while a crowd of officers walked around him. This could be you or your love one. If no one believes me I will try to show a video of it. No excuses to why they handled him like that.
@MrBrownstone the news lie more than I do I will tell my history to destroy my damn self to help save others and my own people I have a daughter that I want to live without fear.......if you have a child that's black and you see that your race still has no right no justice....why lie? I say offensive shit....that I do but to those who are racist against racist people and I want justice no peace
@cherokeepatti so leave him there bleeding push him harder and ignore him? So violence is ok to an old person who don't got no armor no strength in his body to even take a force like next time some one come up to me I should kill them on sight?
Someone mentioned about curfew. It looks like daytime on the video? Maybe it's just that the sun stays up later these days? Anyway he did not seem threatening. They could have just guided him out without using violent force. [media=]
@Afroartis now let’s compile a list of all the officers injuries and fatalities. Better yet, a list from years of trying to do their jobs in minority communities where they kill each other then refuse to “snitch” and allow murders go unpunished and deny justice in their own neighborhoods. Bottom line is, when you willingly go where police are you’re bound to have a run in.
@Markymark smh you sound white you sound like an op...?idfwy buddy we don't snitch for reason we never had a police to come and do his job if he do we congrats the pig....we do self justice because the pigs going to kill him and get away or if he is white the killer will be free cause he white....inner race crimes are common so don't give me that weak you know the KKK do you know the Nazis do you know the history and their targets? Or you know but you don't care cause my people needs to be on a leash and let murder and abuse be be water under the bridge?
@Afroartis well you definitely sound black. Inner race crimes are common so don’t give you that shit? Police brutality is common so I guess that’s ok then. So like you said, black people have a huge chip on their shoulder towards the police. But that isn’t a factor at all in your victims world is it? If you could do one simple thing youd avoid so much loss if life and protests. Obey the law. Is that impossible to expect that? Is that just too much??
The cops gave them 90 minutes to leave after curfew. Have you ever seen the Chris Rock Show episode called how to not get your ass beat by the police? Here’s how: OBEY THE FUCKIN LAW BE POLITE PULL OVER IMMEDIATELY USE COMMON SENSE SHUT THE FUCK UP TURN THAT SHIT OFF (the radio playing fuck the police) Before you tell me my white privilege is showing or some other cliche bullshit, don’t confuse white privilege with not resisting or cussing the cops. It’s not as much about race as it is respect and attitude.
@Markymark fuck Chris rock...don't use black quote on me.......most of them quote come from Uncle Tom's. A police officer asked for my i.d I told him ok it's in my room may I get? He says yes. As I turn half way around to go get my i.d his partner reached for his gun..?to shoot me in front of my daughter and girlfriend.....I obeyed yet I almost got killed.....the KKK is everywhere you to blind to know cause you think everything is just the new media and social media when it's not its history it's facts it's personal experience.
@Afroartis don’t use black quote?? 😆 I’ll say whatever I feel like. Chris Rock could Dave your life but you’re probably too hot headed and mouthy to just take a ticket rather than an ass whooping. By the way, being black doesn’t give you the authority to tell me who I can or can’t quote just because they’re black and I’m white. You’re just mad because Chris Rock is breaking from most of black culture and admitting that sometimes your attitude is a bigger factor than your color
@Markymark no but I can tell this as a black person we are tired of hearing read other people quoting people who suppose to be a leader a role model in our community.....the way the things they say and think....oh if we listen we won't have this, oh if we stop making music this won't happen. Born black I was told to respect our elders..we look to elders so we listen...Imagine the people who went through shit or seen the history of pain your kind went throu to tell you this why you can't get a job because of your hair....your culture is stopping you your religion your belief is stopping you to be successful.... imagine as you obeying the law like you was told you are being chocked....these people y'all love to quote be ass kissing to live to make something but we the few don't cause we go through it no matter what...know your enemies and settle for nothing