TheProphet · M
The great freedoms that we enjoy.
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TheProphet · M
Yes it was. So what?
Goralski · 56-60, M
@lastbabyboomer: so I guess they're not infallible
TheProphet · M
They follow the Constitution.
The coffee in Colombia is wonderful !!!
softspokenman · M
Visit Arlington Cemetery, all those white crosses, the changing of the guard at The Tomb of The Unknown SOLDIER, the eternal flame, The Wall. Freedom. 8)
Spoiledbrat · F
I've never lived in another country so maybe my opinion is biased.
FortyTheRapper · 31-35, M
I'm just here waiting for the one obvious answer
Ynotisay · M
The National Park System.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
which one?
LovelyThorn · 22-25, F
United States
GodQueenSona · F
only a few steps above countries that are controlled by religion
Goralski · 56-60, M
We bomb not get bombed
Thegreateast · 31-35, M
the drugs are fantastic. you get to ride dinosaurs. our government is basically a reality tv show. half of our women do nothing but shop and eat. The other half are amazing sluts. religious nut jobs are still taken seriously. you can buy beer, guns, and pizza in a single store in every city. and no one can apply any morals to you wherever u go cause fuck them.
Thegreateast · 31-35, M
@UniquelyMad: do u? we are in the same shit hole as many other places the only difference the world takes our money and our military seriously. but for most of us... we are poor, broke, and uneducated idiots who just think we are awesome because... well... self entitled assholes. its great to live in a country where the stability seems to be continuing, but i cant stand these pieces of trash i have to share this country with... spoiled...lazy...idiots...
LovelyThorn · 22-25, F
@Thegreateast: I guess you should be the change that this country needs!
Thegreateast · 31-35, M