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I don't know what K-pop is.

But I know their fans are obnoxious weirdos
Keraunos · 36-40, M
It's softcore Korean porn masquerading as a music genre.
@SnoopDawg @Keraunos Wow, you two are still at it. That's fine. Calling it Korean porn and their people shitty is okay but the moment I mention hood, I'm racist or a bigot.

I never mentioned a race unlike the two of you. Thank you. So thank you very much for trying.

As I said, I'm through with this. Have fun making fun of other people or continue to make fun of mine.
Keraunos · 36-40, M
@SW-User Sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of you fulfilling my prediction:
(Inb4 whatever random unrelated insult you inevitably use to deflect when you realize your statement made no sense and we don't actually know each other at all.)
SnoopDawg · 31-35, M
@SW-User I wouldn't call you a racist, but resorting to sterotypes as a form of a defensive mechanism is just a weak one.

If you felt like we were targeting your culture or country, I apologize but this wasn't targeted towards a specific ethnic group either.
Nanori · F
It's just an excuse to be your weird self
I find it helpful sometimes
Hahahaha They are no different from other fans.

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