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TheCat · 31-35
It's most likely from a big change of body temperature in a short time.

The raincoat blocked the evaporation of sweat, it created more sweat than usual for the body heat couldn't be decreased as usual through the evaporation of sweat.

If the wind was strong after you ended the exercise and took off the coat, the evaporation can cause a big decrease of body temperature, thus you might get a cold.
Something like entering an AC(cold/cool) room right after the exercise, can also cause a cold.
It could be a deadly combination(very big chance of getting a cold) if both conditions were met.

Get more rest.

Get well soon.

😳 Oh no!
@SW-User i think its the heat 😵
@Dewms I'm sorry Dewie!😵 Yikes!
Seasonal allergies....🤗
@Dewms I've been there...took me longer this time. So don't worry, you'll be fine in 4-5 days. 🤗
@Vivaci omg i hope it doesnt take lonnngggg for meee! i like breathing properly lolz
🤗thanks OG
@Dewms it's the normal cycle, OG....just so you're well prepared. 😌😘
JupiterDreams · 31-35
It's karma for unplugging my phone cord!
JupiterDreams · 31-35
@Dewms It's okay, Dewms ☹️
Viper · M
@JupiterDreams yeah that it ;)
yeronlyman · 51-55, M
people get colds, upper respiratory tract infections are common common
do you have a fever?

call your public health to consult on the definition for impication for testing
A summer cold? Oh that sucks!
@SW-User i get sick every time it gets too cold or too hot lmaoooo
Darkmare · 36-40, F
Viper · M
Corona is why
Viper · M
@SW-User heat can also be fever

And as usual, you are technically correct, though not everyone writes technical correct, especially for personal social media.
@Viper I try to. No sense scaring people. That's mean.
Viper · M
@SW-User If anyone is scared by me playful saying Corona is why, and fever is a possibility, then I'm sorry.

I believe @Dewms (Dom) is a very bright, young lady (despite listing her age in the 60s, 70s and 80s sometimes) who'll be alive and living healthy two decades from now, even if she were to catch the covid-19, as she'd beat and destroy it!
TexChik · F
Allergies and crap ? My nose has been a faucet out here with all the wild flowers ... the honey bees are busy !
Viper · M
Awe your Dom? :)
Viper · M
@SW-User awe :( but I said anything, not everything.

I'm certainly not suggesting anyone should tell anyone EVERYTHING

But I believe one could trust me with somethings certainly.
@Viper I don't trust anyone online, they have to earn it over time.
Viper · M
@SW-User Well I'm not perfect, but I certainly believe I'm trust worthy and over time people can see that.

Not that I'm going out of my way to try to earn it, just being myself.
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
Because you don’t have the Corona
@Spokeskitties75 technically, a Coronavirus is a cold virus; it's just a different migration that's more severe than a regular cold.
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
@SW-User I was referring to the beer... 😏 lol... 😜
@Spokeskitties75 I thought so!😜 Don't forget the lime wedge!
Classified · M
So you can scare the living sh*t it of everyone 😌
Elessar · 26-30, M
Take your temperature dear 🤗
Awwww my Dom
Viper · M
@SW-User Awe your Dom? :)

(Meant to post this here) lol
Do tell please

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