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On a scale of 9-10, how bloody excellent were Simon and Garfunkel?

I'd never really appreciated how good they were until I watched a film last week called Wild, part of the soundtrack made me want to listen to more of their stuff and I'm now a fan!
curiosi · 61-69, F
You're a little late but at least you finally came to the party! When I was young I hung out with an older cousin who introduced me to their music. Been a fan for a while.
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They had amazing musical chemistry together. Among the very best.
@Mamapolo2016 Glad you're doing well. And I am SO ready for spring. And even more ready for summer.
@RodneyTrotter Wonderful music does not translate to exemplary human beings. They soared musically, but as people, they plodded along like the rest of us.

It's something we should remember about all icons.
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A solid 9. Some material is 10 rated. The earlier Tom and Jerry recording aren't the best.

"Sounds of Silence" on "Wednesday Morning 3 AM" was originally recorded as acoustic and released-it failed. The LP was recalled and an electric version of the song was added and the rest is history.

Miscues were made.
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@RodneyTrotter Just like The Beatles were The Quarrymen, the Silver Beatles and then their name many acts had auspicious beginnings.

A cute song but it feels as it is copying The Everly Brothers or Ricky Nelson.This is the most remembered of that time.

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Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
I have purchased probably five copies of the Concert in Central Park over the years because I listen to it so much I’ve worn out several CD’s, and before that cassette tapes. I’m a fan.
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duffy · 61-69, M
Well watching the The Graduate when I was a teen got my attention. Then when Paul came out with Graceland, I really appreciated his music.
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I love their music. I remember a critic once said, “Garfunkel’s the poet, Simon the storyteller”.
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@RodneyTrotter I have two memories like that...
One of the young nuns had us analyze the lyrics of “I Am A Rock” for our English class. It was such a cool assignment.
And I remember sitting on a balcony when I lived in the commune circa1979-80, during a spring rain. Nobody was home except me, and I was looking across the street down at the park; inside the house “Scarborough Fair” was playing on our radio...☔️
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justbob · 61-69, M
About a 17 or so

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