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Are you looking fovvard to any upcoming movies ?

Povver Rangers and Birth Of The Dragon =)
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PaulMcCartney · 26-30, F
I have only read in one place that they were going to do a Fight Club 2 movie in 2017 but I haven't heard of it anywhere else, so maybe it's not true. But I am excited about any Star Wars movies coming out.
TheCaliforniaKid23 · 31-35, M
Rouge One coming up in December , im excited about that one too =)
50 shades of black
Redstar · 36-40, M
Ok I'm all for different opinions but... why Power Rangers? That looks like the biggest pile of shit! I mean, are Zordon and Alpha even in it? They aren't in the trailer! The Rangers are seen having to figure out their powers all by themselves for some reason. And Angel Grove is NOT meant to be a place for criminals.
I grew up with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and this isn't it. Not even close.
I expect and even want some changes in a new adaption like this but... this is terrible.
TheCaliforniaKid23 · 31-35, M
This vvas just a teaser trailer, Zordon (played by Bryan Cranston) and Alpha vvill apear ,yes it's a vvhole different take compared to the shovv , but it i think it looks great :x , but vvait till the actual trailer comes out , maybe you'll xhange ur mind
Redstar · 36-40, M
I like the idea of it being a darker take on it but this is just too different. They might as well have just made something completely new if they're going to change things this much. The purpose of remaking something is to recreate something people loved and update it. Not taking something people loved and changing 99% of it. And I don't know about you, but I saw a trailer, not a teaser.
I wish I could have faith that Bryan Cranston being in it is a good sign because he's a great actor but James Masters as Piccolo didn't save Dragonball Evolution. Although at least that move was so bad that it was funny.
TheCaliforniaKid23 · 31-35, M
lol i guess ur right

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