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That’s the same with my dad! After 8 years of my life he just abandoned me. Just forget about your mom. Yes, it’ll hurt at times but it’ll be okay.

I'm truly sorry she did that to you. Unfortunately we get the luck of the draw when it comes to our parents. Some people are lucky. Some of us not. Please, listen to your family & friends and don't waste your time on her anymore. It's obvious from her actions and words that she's a selfish woman who will always disappoint you. You're lucky you have other women in your life who provided the mothering you needed. Use them as role models & spend time with them. Sadly, it's time to close the chapter with her & move on. Guaranteed, she will contact you down the road only when she needs something. When that happens, remember how she treated you, was never there for you, and, that you owe her nothing.
NotValid · 31-35, F
@SW-User I guess. At least my aunts and my grandmother were there. I'm very blessed to have them. Some of my older cousins said, "You are more than welcome to talk to our moms. We don't mind."
@NotValid That's nice. I don't have any extended family, aunts & cousins. So, take advantage of that.
NotValid · 31-35, F
@SW-User Yeah. My best friend said I'm very lucky. I envy my cousins because they are close to my aunts (their mothers). Me? I don't have that. I'm left in the cold.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Get on with your life and stop thinking about your mom. Eventually, years from now, she will come to you. By that time, she will need your help and, in her mind, she will have totally rewritten the past. And then you can decide what to do. Meanwhile, you can prepare for that time.
@greenmountaingal If that happens, she should tell her mom to fuck off, and give her the address of the nearest old folks home.
I know what you mean... Hate to hear "there's no love like a mother's love"... I really hope you're able to love yourself and stop putting expectations on your mom. Sorry
NotValid · 31-35, F
@lovelywarpedlemon I hate that too. I hate mothers day. It reminds me that my mom left and wasn't around. It effected me so much since I was five.
Mona86 · C
If she doesn’t see you as her daughter, do you think she’s really your mum? 🧐🧐
NotValid · 31-35, F
@Mona86 She is my mom. She gave birth to is. I broke down crying when she said that. When I told my brothers they were hurt too. But they brushes it off and told me I need to move on. One of them said, "Well I don't see her as our mother! A real mother wouldn't just drop us like that. If that's the way she wants to be, so be it! Tough then. Shit happens, forget mom, MOVE ON ALREADY." The other one said, "You need to let go of her. She made it clear that she wants nothing to do with us. Get that in your head."
You keep setting yourself up for more pain.
NotValid · 31-35, F
@LeopoldBloom But I WANT MY MOM!! 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔
@NotValid I know you do. I'm sorry she can't see that.
Montanaman · M
NotValid · 31-35, F
@Montanaman It's horrible. I see my friends with their mothers and I don't have that. I'm jealous of them.
Montanaman · M
@NotValid I can empathize.😔🤗🤗
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Paliglass · 41-45, F
Me either except my mother was around and I wish I'd been in an orphanage instead. At least that way strangers would of abused me and I could of dreamt I had nice parents but no I come from evil f'd up people and it sucks.
Mona86 · C
@Paliglass sorry 😐
NotValid · 31-35, F
@Paliglass Aww I'm so sorry
Fuck her. Just remember this feeling when/if you decide to have children, be a better mother than yours was 💜
NotValid · 31-35, F
@GreenGoddess I just hope I'll make a good mother. My best friend said, "I bet you'll be a better mother than your crappy mother was. No offence but she is after she abandoned you and your brothers."

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