billstickers · 36-40, M
i think the term for it is life
adshaw · 36-40, M
Perhaps the person you loved was actually your choosing their best traits and minimizing the others, having fantasy and hope fill the void. Unfortunately once people are together, it becomes clear who the person really is.
fluteacorn · 22-25, F
Then it wasn't really love. Love is forever.
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rageandhate · 26-30, F
@repeters1027: being shitty because they know the person will stay
fluteacorn · 22-25, F
@rageandhate: Have you tried to avoid them to try to prove them wrong? You could try to distract yourself from your feelings?
rageandhate · 26-30, F
@repeters1027: i have
SlightedSmile · 51-55, M
They show their true selves. Or possibly you try to mind read without communication. Counseling?
Peaceful · F
True colors revealed but we still hope they can change

You see sides to them you never had before.
WarmAtNight · M
When they do something violent that scares you
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
When that person says I'm going to get you for hitting me with that brick. (My brother).
fluteacorn · 22-25, F
@Abbenblackwolf: What do you mean?
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@repeters1027: nothing just forget I said anything. I not feeling well to day.
fluteacorn · 22-25, F
@Abbenblackwolf: Sorry to hear that. You can pm me if you want.