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Will everything be ok?

Picklebobble · 56-60, M
I think life is like sailing.
Some days the seas are calm and you make progress and feel pretty good about life !
And other days there's no wind in your sails, you don't feel you're getting anywhere and storm clouds are gathering !
PepperMint · 26-30, F
Most days I feel I'm sinking.
Picklebobble · 56-60, M
@PepperMint: Yeah but you're not supposed to have all the answers !
Hell. I'm TWICE your age and I don't even have the answers !!!
I think sometimes you just navigate life through the storm at the time, and hope you come through wiser once the sun rises !
Unless you're immortal, no. In the end, everyone has a negative outcome.
PepperMint · 26-30, F
I wish I had asked you to sugar coat it
Sorry ):
Eventually things will settle down. Somethings we can change and some we cannot.
Keith1 · 56-60, M
No, somethings maybe alright.
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
In terms of what?
MenzernaSF4000 · 36-40, M
Yes...sweet pepper.
DownTheStreet · 51-55, M

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