MaryJanine · 70-79, F
Then why are you listening? Anyone who does that in public wants attention and will get it, although not the kind he or she wants. No one in my family ate loudly or noticeably - and they don't do it today.
Just means the food good.... that's what my noisy eater uncle says 😅👍
Adamski24 · 41-45, M
Yes I hate it as well the one's that make a noise
Doesn’t bother me but hubby hates it lol 😂
Caprice · 41-45, F
There are very few things I hate more.
Kathburglar · F
Gross table manners drive me crazy, with rude, noisy eaters being the worst. They should be issued a ticket and fined. 🐷🐷🐷