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He wasn't really "bad" but you know how the victor usually writes the history books to favor their narrative... God won that battle with Satan so we hear God's version of what happened. Satan is wicked so his punishment is to rule over hell and punish his fellow wicked souls. 🤷🏻♂️
BlueVeins · 22-25
He's obsessed with the past. Only an incredibly evil being would punish people forever over anything as trivial as Earthly misdeeds.
NorthernBear · 51-55, M
Like with many other mythical beings, there is more than one version of the satan. I word it the way I do because it's not really a name but an untranslated Hebrew word. In the oldest Hebrew tradition the satan was not the opposer of God but only the opposer of man, part of God's grand design. It traditional Christianity the devil does not punish people, it is God himself who punishes evil doers including the devil. The devil wants nothing to do with hell but that is where he is going. God is so loving, and so just, that he keeps fallen angels and the souls of rebellious humans alive for all of eternity just to torture them. Live 10 years, commit the same sins that other kids commit but nothing major, die before learning about Christ, and get subjected to unimaginable torture for hundreds of nonillions of millennia and beyond. Now that is love and justice!
Pfuzylogic · M
Why do you think Satan has the ability to punish anyone? He is the first to be punished in the Bible.

Well you know what they say ... birds of a feather and all that jazz... what else has he got to do with his fellow kind ?
SatyrService · M
depends on who's definition of bad,, and the story you learned about Satan.
there are many alternate opinions. and some say the bible , all of it is just made up anyway
there are many alternate opinions. and some say the bible , all of it is just made up anyway
Mona86 · C
That’s actually a good question

it's like marrying your first love, you have to pay for it
approachingmyexpirationdate · 61-69, M
he's not punishing them - he's revving them up for the next big party
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
It's his job!
JP1119 · 36-40, M
Good question. The tip of the iceberg that is why I don’t believe in the existence of hell.
Mona86 · C
Maybe he’s doing God’s work by taking the bad and punishable people
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walabby · M
"Satan" is just a literary invention...
butterfly1013 · 26-30, F
Hmmmm🤔 not sure, but remember, satan wasn't always a bad person.