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it's only unforgiving if you hold on to the belief that you're owed anything for simply existing.
Life is incredibly fair. If you want something, don't be halfhearted about attaining it. Waiting leads to dead ends and disappointment which is fair, since the results match the effort spent.
Life is incredibly fair. If you want something, don't be halfhearted about attaining it. Waiting leads to dead ends and disappointment which is fair, since the results match the effort spent.
I'll pray for that miracle for you. But learn from this, and let it guide you to a more disciplined life. Don't cheat life, never cheat yourself. Hope does exist. Sometimes by our choices, there are some dark clouds to navigate through before there is a more uplifting clearing.
BrotherWolf · 26-30, M
Stop waiting for it, start earning it.
JPGEbron10 · 26-30, M
I'm waiting for a miracle... I'm somehow going to be expelled, due to violation of some rules in our college. I'm in my 4th year and I only need one more semester to graduate... But I'm trying not to lose hope and keep on praying for the impossible.