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Why do people on here get mad at you and blocked you because you don't get back to them in pm.real quick?

I had a big brother on here for a short while.and had to go to the doctor earlier.I forgot to I do alot of times and it says I am on line.but I am really when I came back answer him.he had blocked me.I wasn't ignoring him i wasn't online.I do forget about things that I was doing and do something else.I do have Adhd.and take medicine for don't think I am being rude.or uncaring. If I don't get back to you right away because I am not. I just forget sometimes to signout.
people are assholes... that's why. just wait.. soon you'll come across someone and you'll probably give up on humanity XD
@Abbenblackwolf: i like you already XD
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@SterbenReyne: you are cool too☺
@Abbenblackwolf: thanks
I have a PC that only I and my hubby use. I almost never sign out of sites I regularly use. If someone cares enough for me, she will learn to be lenient with me. That's the least I expect.

People have lives offline as well.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
Yes we all do
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
I guess he was 31 anyway.old enough to be my Dad
@Abbenblackwolf: yeah i had a friend in his early twenties i went to school with, but i got tired of his shit, he was a complete narcissist and acted like his shit didn't stink, he always went head on into my problems, always told my friends to look out for me if i got into to trouble and tried to lecture me about everything... he's a good guy, but my god... he's full of shit, and annoying at times... we thought of each other as brothers as well.
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
People block left, right and center on here, like they get paid for it, i had a similar thing happen to me, that you described. i even posted a question about it
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
That's ashame but it's ok i didn't even do anything or say anything wrong
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@Abbenblackwolf: Same here

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