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Sadwithasmile · 22-25, M
What makes you say that *hides lipstick and heels*
Sadwithasmile · 22-25, M
@xCoinx: he probably gave up on me a long time ago XDD.
@Sadwithasmile: I had to reread what I wrote. Let me try to sum it up.
Women can express a broad spectrum of gender. Men can only express a very narrow spectrum of gender. This when a man is more feminine then masculine but not transsexual. They must "go all out" in attempt to create an exceptable image for them selves and to survive scrutiny in public.
@xCoinx: I think it's said by (insert Christian deity) that we were given free will. Everything man wrote in scriptures were merely suggestions as a good way to live during a very abusive and controlling time in the history of man. Especially when a king or the church expected specific behavior from its minions.

It doesn't really affect you though. Why does it matter?
Serenitree · F
@xCoinx: hah, now we are getting somewhere. How do you feel about seeing your own? Do you dress in the dark?
xCoinx · 31-35, M
🤔 I think i'm okay with mine. I mean I personally wouldn't wanna go parading them around for the world to see but I don't want them gone or anything like that.
Serenitree · F
@xCoinx: I'm glad to hear it. I'm sure that you are like the majority of men. Most men seem to be uncomfortable with men who parade their stuff in women's clothing, I'm uncomfortable with men who parade their stuff in thongs. Ugh. Ugly.
When a person barks, they need to be ready for the dogs who will bark back!
Sadly I have a client this morning! I'd love to stay with this a bit longer. But I have another life! Hugs see ya'll
xCoinx · 31-35, M
And I was, and am. God knows I love controversy.
glad to hear that, knowing you were trolling makes it sound so much more acceptable😜
Shutterbug · 56-60, M
It's purely for the comfort.....

....but you are going to get people from all walks of life here...maybe an opportunity to better understand different people..
xCoinx · 31-35, M
I understand it fine, they like dressing up in womens clothes. Its not like all that complicated.
Sadwithasmile · 22-25, M
Omfg let the guy say what ever he wants to say it doesn't affect u and it's how he feels. How do diaper people or those weirdos that want to "put you over their knee" affect you. It's annoying, he's annoyed and he's making a point so grow up and stop being butt hurt.
xCoinx · 31-35, M
I was. I had been on EP for a long time.
xCoinx · 31-35, M
I also don't like the idea that people have to not be allowed say whats on their minds, because everybody has to accept everybody.
I feel like that is.....its like a ruler you know, sure you can keep making the world bend more and more towards accepting everything, but eventually its gonna snap. So you have to walk a middle ground between people voicing their thoughts and the whole just ignore everything position.
you could have said it in a more diplomatic way.

"Far too much men goi g around in women's clothes"

Can and was perceived as a derogatory comment, some mtf transgender people aren't "men" they are transgender women. Regardless of public opinion the gender expression of a person born with the wrong bits is real and deserves to be respected.

It appears (after discussing this) that you were more concerned with seeing penises in panties, and male personas wearing bras. A completely different issue. I don't want to see penises in panties either. I think it is degrading to women because it objectifies an article of clothing mostly women wear. It turns a piece of clothing into the representation of sex and promote the male sex drive in an open and unflattering way.

Believe me I wish these "men" would have a little more respect for themselves and for women. It's my personal bias that men are simply sex a holics. And as such when they display in this manner give transgender folk a bad name.

You by saying what you said lumped us all together. And that is offencive.

I may not have the right to be offered by another's life style or opinion on another's life style, but I do have the right to present a valid rebutel when I see something that is offencive.

Had you said "I see far too much pictures of mens penises wear panties!" I might have concurred with you.
I hate cross-dressing to be honest
dystopianAntihero · 56-60, M
@MissingNotes: Being as how you mentioned this being the 21st centurty rather than the mid 20th, I would think the proper normal response regardless of one's personal preferences, moral persuasion, or metaphysical predisposition, would be a forward-thinking and socially progressive one v backward-looking and socially regressive.
dystopianAntihero · 56-60, M
@MissingNotes: And w respect to your comments regarding unethical criminal acts of violence and coersion, the situation we're discussing is nothing of the kind. We're talking about the lifestyle choices and practices of adults not violence, coercion, injury, or any other acts of criminality or wrongdoing against others yn violation of their wills or bodies.

You're conflating the emotions associated w genuine ethical and legal wrongs w the legal and ethical standards personal and collective behavior. That's what's known as an argumentum ad misericordiam, or argument from pity, in which you're painting yourself as the victem on a par w those who genuinely suffered the reprehensible acts you mentioned and me as an accessory to them by way of analogy.

It's also character assassination on your part, going on a personal attacks rather than address the substance of the issue which os the lawful personal conduct of adults who are. Both are logical fallacies, and are irrational, insubstantive, incorrect, objectively speaking
@xCoinx: there may be rules to classical or popular or other genre! But there is also music in its free form with out rules. Look into nature. The song of the dolphin, a birds whistle. Tree frogs as they peep. Randomness can be quiet beautiful if you forget that there has to be rules!
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
Maybe so but they do not bother me. Live and let live.
xCoinx · 31-35, M
I don't even know what you are talking about.
doesnt surprise me. :( and here I thought we had a certain repor
xCoinx · 31-35, M
@JoanieNewHampshire: To a point. Its like I like the sound of drums every so often. But when the drum keeps on banging out the same tune over and over again it starts getting, we'll repetitive.
I mean bedding someones argument to the extreme is your fall back trump card, its like I pretty much know you're gonna use it sooner or later so I just sorta sit and wait. Coz I just know sooner or later you'll start banging out the same tune again.
Now that you have that off your chest! What's your point?
CoffeeFirst · 56-60, F
Doesn't bother me one bit. That's the beauty of using mute and block, isn't it? Control the content you see, take control of your own SW. Then just move on. Easy peasy. --DW
xCoinx · 31-35, M
Madelenie · 26-30, F
how about women dressing up in men clothing?
Sharon · F
@xCoinx: That's strange. Why not? What's the difference?
xCoinx · 31-35, M
You seem to be missing my objection entirely.
If a man wants to dress as a woman because he feels more comfortable dressed like that, I say good for him.
If a man dressed as a woman but does it tastefully even then I have no objection.
But when a man puts on little flirty satin panties and stands in front of the mirror to take pictures of himself, or just takes pictures of his cock in the panties and then uploads those pictures onto SW to use as his profile picture, that is where I say sorry but no.
xCoinx · 31-35, M
I feel weird that I a man need to explain this to two women but, there is more to femininity than satin panties, makeup, and flirty little skirts.
When men dress up and make a big deal about such things it degrades all women and essentially says I want to be a pretty woman, I want to be seen as a sexual object, I want to be desired what he is doing is he is spitting in the face of female emancipation just as much as a man who says a woman place is raising children.
I know I had to hide my clothes.
So what? What is "women's clothing" anyway?
xCoinx · 31-35, M
Yea but those things they don't call a bra, they got some sort of other name, I think the word support is in the name somewhere.
Serenitree · F
@xCoinx: it's in there for women too. Just usually in the description. Full support, light support, extra support. It's what a bra
they could be called a manzier for what it matters, but a rose by any other name stills smells as sweet!

A reasons personal gender expression looses a lot when you find the need to be pragmatic. Technically you don't need those shoes, or that shirt. A deer skin or woolen rub would be sufficient. It was for this us ands of years!
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xCoinx · 31-35, M
Thank you. That is my point exactly.
dystopianAntihero · 56-60, M
So are a few ok, but several too many? How does that work exactly?
xCoinx · 31-35, M
😐What are you even talking about?
dystopianAntihero · 56-60, M
Uh, well you said far too many. So what's the acceptable limit then?
xCoinx · 31-35, M
@dystopianAntihero: just sorta a figure of speech.
dystopianAntihero · 56-60, M
The devil you say
dystopianAntihero · 56-60, M
So make up's okay but not women's clothing? Who makes up this stuff? Lot's of goth guys were skirts, btw. I wore one of my ex gfs dresses to a club once. Rbt Smith of the Cure got beat up for wearing a dress to hs as a kid. Do you think it's right to do something like that? Most crossdressers are straight, btw.
xCoinx · 31-35, M
@dystopianAntihero: It was a reference to a band dude (dead or alive) chill.
dystopianAntihero · 56-60, M
Yeah, I know, I was speaking to the issues.
Goralski · 51-55, M
Don't forget d diapers
xCoinx · 31-35, M
and the spankers.
Serenitree · F
And why does that bother you?
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
Whine, whine, whine.
xCoinx · 31-35, M
So I thought I'd just say.
You feel how you feel.
They have a right to be themselves and be happy.

so ok I am pouting and I feel sad and I am out of here.....................
lipstickguy · 61-69, M
and it's awesome. well you know, you've done it.
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Well there are a lot of them. I don't care what they do but It's a bit tedious to see people going on about it all the time so I make use of the mute button when I need to.
dystopianAntihero · 56-60, M
What is it you find so offensive about it? I really don't get it
xCoinx · 31-35, M
@dystopianAntihero: I didn't say I was offended.
@dystopianAntihero: Was your question for him or me? If it was for me then I would say that it doesn't offend me. It just doesn't interest me. It's the same as the endless posts on here about sex and spanking. To each his own.

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