Steve42 · 56-60, M
You don't know if we get options before we are born to some of those statements. Or the choice of this hard life which will bear more spiritual fruits than an easier life. All hidden behind the veil of human life.
Nice graphical way to put it. I have said for a long time that if I had true free will I would be able to choose a third option out of two options.
Specialyouare · 36-40, F
Yes sir! It’s like they take us to a restaurant we didn’t choose and say... there you have free will, steak or potatoes?
*Me: Free Will? Am I the only one confused here 😂
*Me: Free Will? Am I the only one confused here 😂
bijouxbroussard · F
On the other hand, there is free will regarding theism in most western countries and the option of accepting religious doctrines or not.