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How can you gauge compatibility with someone when they’re going through something? Or when they’re in some transitional phase in their lives?

Or, if there’s constant change going on within a person’s self and their life, how does compatibility stay relevant between them and another?
I agree with RJC36.
I just recently went through this with a friend. We started as lovers but it instead evolved into a friendship.
My health is excellent. Her body is broken and her health is fair. I didn't realize how unhealthy she was at first.
Basicly I really didn't want to be in a sexual relationship with a woman who has chronic pain. It has taken a year to come to the realization that we can only be friends. We are loyal to each other as FRIENDS, which I believe is the deepest possible relationship a person can have. This past January we purchased a home together, almost $3mil. She lives in the West wing of the house and I in the East. We eat all of our meals together, walk in the forest that surrounds our home together,etc. But, we have our own private space. It was very tense and emotional for her to resign herself to this friendship only. But the deal is this: it is not MATURE to think that we have the right to possess,manipulate,coerce,etc another human being to our will for our benefit. Everyone accepts the fact that everything changes but won't accept the fact that love does too. Whatever attracts two people TOGETHER at first is never the REASON they will remain together. It's about respect,tolerance, and NO expectations! Any relationship can be compatible with those three components in my opinion.
rjc36 · 61-69, M
There can be many levels of connections between people that deal with their compatibility. Even when we were working through different issues in life some things will always remain about the same. It you work on really getting to know that person and building a solid friendship with them you will in time find out if you are compatible. If it turns out that you are not you have at least made a new friend.

Just my opinion.
TheLoveAge · 36-40, F
@rjc36 I don’t think this totally relates, but I’ll mention it here: Sometimes just remaining friends with someone you love that you’d want love from can be more emotionally painful. Because you’d always have that expectation to have that in return when they’re only ok with a friendship and nothing more. I think then you have to ask yourself can I handle being in a friendship when I have deeper feelings, and I don’t see that holding up well at all. But yea, I guess it depends on what remains the same to build on in time, and if it’s even worth it?🤔
If your not growing with them then you need to set them free
TheLoveAge · 36-40, F
@MushroomFaerie True, growing together is important
SteelHands · 61-69, M
A component of strong faith can eliminate the prerequisite only when any two people are highly intelligent. The higher the odds on any gamble the greater the potential reward.
TheLoveAge · 36-40, F
@SteelHands Do they have to share the same type, and even level of intelligence to be successful at this? And faith can do a lot and timing is very important to help elevate both, and hopefully to one another’s understanding to make things work...🤔
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@TheLoveAge I suppose that may be the case for some. Disparate levels of knowledge might enhance the pattern through the mutual "extra pair of eyes" element.

Someone with a medical background might not get on very well with a more literary person because science and sociology might have some major conflicting aspects. Though it's potential more than existential knowledge and receptivity or capability to grasp a person's depth that probably makes the difference.

I agree about the timing and handling of the respective elevations you mention. For some it might come natural is my thought on that while for others it might take lots of patience.
in10RjFox · M
Compatibility can be gauged only when parties are engaged actively in life. Until then it is notional. What's relevant inbetween is hope.

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