Bloodchix · 31-35, F
At the beginning they want/need something but after they got it, you'll be like nothing 😞
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
Fortunately, many people here aren't like that.
MourningDove · F

They think they can groom you into doing what they want by pretending to be nice and care.
what ya see is what ya get here. No fluff or pretty wrappings.
rageandhate · 26-30, F
honest and you even drew your picture i like it.
That's about the extent of my artistic ability right there lol
Pretzel · 61-69, M
you asked for it :)
[image/video deleted]
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
yeh, they don't even bother to have the patience to ted bundy us!
i mean what's with that? :P
back in yahoo and then EP folks tried that.. then i said "the hell with it i'm going certified" then they'd complain?! lmfao!
photoshop and a sense of humor is needed for sharks like those kind... utilize it!
i mean what's with that? :P
back in yahoo and then EP folks tried that.. then i said "the hell with it i'm going certified" then they'd complain?! lmfao!
photoshop and a sense of humor is needed for sharks like those kind... utilize it!
rageandhate · 26-30, F
lol you have the best advice

Oh. I didn't know you were racist. Listen to Michael Jackson's bkack or white.
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@rageandhate: oh I thought you will like polar bears as they are white lol. 😂😂😂
rageandhate · 26-30, F
@sam90degree: bruh i'm mexican dont fuck with me lol

@rageandhate: lol. Ohk. Fair enough.😂😎

Fair enough, get naked.

@rageandhate: And thank you for not stringing me along.
rageandhate · 26-30, F
@Tyrrrr: no problem

@rageandhate: Cheers
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Because they realize what kind of person you are...
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@rageandhate: Well a douche is what you percieve them as, they may not intend to be a douche in your eyes, they may just not care anymore.
rageandhate · 26-30, F
@MartinTheFirst: as long as they leave im good
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@rageandhate: What if everyone you know leaves then? ☺
LovelyGorilla · 26-30, F
My colors will either blind you or cause you to sink in nothingness
rageandhate · 26-30, F
love it