BlueVeins · 22-25
No, life is not becoming too unnatural. Processed food, specifically, allows us to produce and store food on a scale unprecedented in modern history. We seriously need it (on some scale) in order to feed our colossal population. Phones... can be a problem when it comes to socializing, but more often than not, they serve as a "shield" between the user and someone they don't want to talk to. They're essentially a symptom of shitty social interaction, not the cause. In relation to phones, what we need is just common manners, which at least in my life, a great many people show.
New world order
the last age

I agree.

Technology is not to blame. People are to blame. No one is holding them at gun point and asking them to buy take aways. If they are too lazy to move their ass and go to the grocery store and then back to kitchen, it's their problem. I do it, and I go hiking every weekend.