SW-User Best Comment
I only have 2 photos of my Dad, which isn't particularly unusual, nobody I know had a camera when I was growing up. I wasn't present for the taking of the photos that I have, they are someone else's memories. It makes me evaluate my own dislike of having my picture taken. Will my kids one day wish they had more photos of me?
billstickers · 36-40, M
@SW-User 😀

@billstickers is that one smiling or laughing?
billstickers · 36-40, M
@SW-User smiling
Moonpenny · F
A lovely tribute to loved ones.
My favourite photo of me with my dad is when he'd just come home from work and as a toddler, I was sitting on his knee. I can smell those overalls now and the feel of his hand I was clutching 😌
My favourite photo of me with my dad is when he'd just come home from work and as a toddler, I was sitting on his knee. I can smell those overalls now and the feel of his hand I was clutching 😌
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
I absolutely loved this! Thank you for sharing it.
davidstorm · C
it's the same for any member of the family my son was murdered by a drug abuser when he was 18 I only have 4 pictures of him a total of 4 ONLY
billstickers · 36-40, M
@davidstorm very sad to hear that
davidstorm · C
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Man. You used to be a real live wire on EP. Youve quieted down a lot. Anyway glad to see you still here.
billstickers · 36-40, M
@Zonuss 👍