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Who of us wants to live in a culture where you are held responsible and judged for everything that you have ever said or done as an adult?

It appears that our culture is changing to become a culture where anyone, especially anyone in public life, can and will be held responsible and judged, based on the continually changing cultural views, for everything that they have ever said or done as a teen or adult. In such a culture, no one will be able to withstand that judgement of their life, and everyone will eventually fail to pass the cultural scrutiny and fall. Question: Do you personally want to live in a culture like that? Why, or why not?

Additional Thoughts: When I wrote this question originally, I didn't want it to become so politically focused, but that is how most have answered it, possibly because I wrote "especially anyone in public life" in the original question. What about other areas of life? If your entire life were researched and scrutinized by a possible employer during the job application process, based upon the values of the current culture, would you be OK with that?
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No, I don't want to live in that kind of society but it appears we're being forced into it whether we like it or not.

We've definitely gone off the rails.
ms20182878 · 61-69, M
@SW-User That is my concern also.
Magenta · F
It's sickening. Seems to be prevalent on social media too. Make an error in judgement or a bad decision and it is then applied to everything you do after. You are then judged for that and the positive and good things are overlooked. It's the continual mind set in society and it is waxing worse and worse as has been foretold.
Magenta · F
@Overwatch6 Ah oui. I know you have a clearly defined direction about yourself, your own life. 😘
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Magenta · F
@Overwatch6 Stay manly my friend. ☺️
Wolfram · M
I’m not even the same person I was five years ago let alone when I was of college age. People do change. I see it all the time.
ms20182878 · 61-69, M
@Wolfram I can totally relate. I have changed a LOT for the positive over the years. I believe that if we don't allow for and accept positive changes in the lives of people in our culture, we are headed down a slippery slope. Thanks for your comment.
Magenta · F
@Wolfram @ms20182878 Precisely. We can't hold people to how they were or their lack of growth previously, that they have grown out of. We evolve and progress. :-)
Northerner · 70-79, M
Political correctness gone crazy!
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
I think people who deliberately seek a public office should be held accountable to high public scrutiny.

Especially those whose positions afford them wealth; power; and influence.
ms20182878 · 61-69, M
@Picklebobble2 I'm not talking about decisions made in the present, I'm talking about decisions made many years in the past. I'm sure that you've probably been a lot better than me... I just know that if you searched through my life 20+ years ago, there are plenty of things that I did that would be judged unfavorably in the "court of public opinion".
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@ms20182878 But YOU'RE not STUPID enough to do the same kind of things THIS idiot did ! That's the point !
I mean there's regret and then there's.....inexplicable.
ms20182878 · 61-69, M
@Picklebobble2 I've definitely done things 20+ years ago that were worse than some of the things that people have lost their political positions for... so I guess I'm really no different than "THIS idiot".
SweetMae · 70-79, F
I think it has always been this way. Information is more available to everyone now.
Peaches · F
@ms20182878 Thank God no one here knows how to look me up?!👀😶
ms20182878 · 61-69, M
@Peaches 😳
Peaches · F
@ms20182878 LOL!🤣
Hasn't it always been this way?
ms20182878 · 61-69, M
@PoetryNEmotion Some people say that it has always been this way. I personally don't remember people's lives being researched at this level of detail and then seeing them held responsible for things that they did 20, 30, 40 years, or more, in their past.
@ms20182878 The past 8s the past. It should be turned away from...This is the age of technology. Info overload. How can we be safe when we can be turned inside out? I lead a simple life. I love my surroundings. I dislike drama. I surround myself with good, kind people and I try to help others.
ms20182878 · 61-69, M
@PoetryNEmotion Your words are the same as my words... I agree.
ChampagneOnIce · 51-55, F
We’ve all made mistakes, exercised poor judgment at one time or another. That’s part of life, of learning and growing. I often say I’m glad I did most of my stupid stuff before the internet and camera phones, and I’m fairly smart about what I post on social media. I think the kind of scrutiny the media and those judging others from behind a screen put people through is ridiculous. Yes, some things are important and should be brought to life, especially about someone in a leadership role or in authority. However, I can’t stand the comments some people make about others, the judging, trying, and convicting that happens in the court of public opinion. People need to spend more time living their own lives and less time berating others’.
ms20182878 · 61-69, M
@ChampagneOnIce Well said... I totally agree!
No, it's already gone too far, weaponizing the past to destroy politicians in the present is becoming the new normal..
There have to be limits but it's already too late for that..
With social media and millions of opinions coming together instantly, it a group think explosion.. get on the wrong side of that momentum and you're screwed..
ms20182878 · 61-69, M
@SW-User Thanks for your comment. That often appears to be true.
These humans love to scrutinize and judge others, put themselves above. It makes them feel so damn powerful and righteous. But what we gonna do about it
ms20182878 · 61-69, M
@SW-User That's an important question. Any ideas?
Peaches · F
No I wouldn't be okay with it and DO think it's crazy to be judging people for what they did many years ago in their past. 😟 No one knows where I've been or what I've done in this life time except God and that's the way I want it! The world is going crazy, 🌎️but I think a big shift is about to happen.
ms20182878 · 61-69, M
@Peaches I totally agree!
Carazaa · F
No, I don't want to live in that kind of society. I think some media is more into gossip nowadays, than news. One thing that bothers me is American news media showing names and pictures of suspected criminals that haven't been charged. That is not legal in some other countries, that's slander. They don't care about destroying lives it seams.

I also think the police shouldn't be able to do surveyance on anyone just because they are Muslims or suspicious, it's looking more and more like Nazi Germany. And the past, that's not relevant now!
ms20182878 · 61-69, M
@Carazaa Yes, there is certainly a lot of gossip and slander throughout much of the media. I also find it interesting how news headlines seem to be so often written with a racial slant these days. If there is any possible way to make the story about race, then that becomes the major point of the report. There is so much focus on "us" and "them"... so much division in the culture. Where have we seen that before in history?
Carazaa · F
@ms20182878 WW11, Nazi Germany!
DarkMoon · 26-30, M
What do you mean by "fall"?
They'll make less money because they miss out on some well-paid gigs?
They won't be held up as great role models?
That doesn't feel too unfair to me.
Where I would have sympathy is when people dig up tweets from someone when they were 16 or younger, an age when most of us write dumb stuff but if you were talking like an ass at 25 or 30, chances are you really are an ass.
ms20182878 · 61-69, M
@DarkMoon It's not all about money... It is about their position of service and influence. Do you believe that people can change for the better as they live their life? As a culture, should we be accepting of their positive changes... or not?
DarkMoon · 26-30, M
@ms20182878 People certainly can change but very often they just try to cover their tracks. And it also depends what exactly we find out about them. I can look at someone like Bill Clinton and think "there but for the grace of God" but I never thought it was okay to wear a KKK costume or blackface. I don't think cultural views have changed THAT much.
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ms20182878 · 61-69, M
@Overwatch6 OK. I'm not sure that's completely true, although it could appear that way. I wonder if it isn't more about the cultural standard that is being used for judgement.
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