Changing your diet would help,. Introduce more fruits and vegies, specially Olive oil.
There different types of Teas to help.
If you can find a respected naturopath who can help balance nutrients intake would be a great plus.
There different types of Teas to help.
If you can find a respected naturopath who can help balance nutrients intake would be a great plus.
Mistypetal · F
I’ve tried to manage my hormones naturally but nothing worked. I had to go on the pill to control my hormonal acne and severe mood swings. I also found that some birth control pills can make it heaps worse while others can make it a bit easier to manage.

I'm not too sure on how to help.
I've heard eating things like chicken can really mess with your hormones.
quite interesting about the skin too!! when I started the pill, my skin actually got worse.
I've heard eating things like chicken can really mess with your hormones.
quite interesting about the skin too!! when I started the pill, my skin actually got worse.
HannahSky · F
Try fish oil supplements for mood, and ask your gynecologist if symptoms continue
HotSouthernMess · 31-35, F
I’m praying it’s not endo.....