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I know they hire all these nurses, doctors, police officers etc and train them to not biased but the truth is you can't train that out of a person

Just hire a person not prone to be biased .

because it's like asking a dog not to burke, people are going to be themselves over what they are supposed to be.
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education is in itself biased, not intentionally but its based on the best standards at the time and everything evolves and changes
@PinkPowerRanger very true
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
I'm not so sure you can 'train' the bias out of people.
The way we are brought up and things we go through dictate our biases.
But those professions you mention all probably have different approaches depending on their role.

A Doctors approach for example probably starts with "Can i diagnose this patients best outcome in the three minutes i have with them ?"

A Police officer might well be thinking "Is this person likely to be physically dangerous toward me ?

BEFORE they even consider applying their OWN bias
Sueisright · 31-35, F
Annyone that wants to be police,politicians,traffic wardens,security,judges,social services,or other jobs that give huge power over others should definitely be excluded from these jobs as they are never suitable.
Pureblossom · 26-30, F
So you are saying people should be assigned job based on what they are capable of rather than what they choose @Sueisright
Sueisright · 31-35, F
@Pureblossom jobs that give huge power over others attract all the wrong people. I definitely feel a better selection process could be developed
Pureblossom · 26-30, F
Right best answer @Sueisright
Doomflower · 41-45, M
I will just chime in: Yes you can but only if the person is receptive to the training and even people who don't take it to heart do modify their behavior to at least hide their bias. After a while the culture sinks in. It just takes time.
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
Everyone has unconscious bias based on their upbringing and life experiences.
All we can do is become aware of our own and make a conscious effort to fight against them, being fair to all.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@MrAverage1965 well said
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Dan193 · 31-35, M
There is a shortage of doctors - can't be picky.
Pureblossom · 26-30, F
Really ?@funfan
Pureblossom · 26-30, F
@funfan why thank you what do you miss about them
funfan · 51-55, M
@Pureblossom Hmmm... I miss a lot about them. You are one of the original members here, as am I. 😊 Look for my message in your inbox.
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
We are all biased based on our own life experiences, it's usually a subconscious think but people can get better with age.
Carazaa · F
I think people can be trained to do the right thing, even police!
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
It is sometimes hard to pick these things out in strangers and the more selective you are then the more you have to pay to have enough people to pick from and some of these jobs like police don't pay enough in the first place. That one is going to get worse too with what is going on today, after looking at the news who is crazy enough to want to be a police officer so look what you are left with.
RedBaron · M
Who are "they?"
RedBaron · M
Who are "they?"
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
If you have a brain, you have bias. That’s what I was taught at an anti bias meeting.

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