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TexChik · F
Are you drinking enough water ?
Low back spasms are often the result of your pelvis being tilted making one leg seem longer than the other. It hurts to walk or lay down . It always seems to be tight quads that pull on the pelvis and cause the back and hip pain . Put one leg on the bed while standing and then try to touch your head to Your knee ( stretching exercise). Give it 3-4 minutes. It’s going to be tight and hurt your quad ( thigh) a little ... but stay at it . Then switch and do the other leg . That should provide relief . Try to find a chiropractor if the pain persists... they will get things lined back up for you . I go all the time .
Low back spasms are often the result of your pelvis being tilted making one leg seem longer than the other. It hurts to walk or lay down . It always seems to be tight quads that pull on the pelvis and cause the back and hip pain . Put one leg on the bed while standing and then try to touch your head to Your knee ( stretching exercise). Give it 3-4 minutes. It’s going to be tight and hurt your quad ( thigh) a little ... but stay at it . Then switch and do the other leg . That should provide relief . Try to find a chiropractor if the pain persists... they will get things lined back up for you . I go all the time .
Deeperminds · 46-50, F
Yeah that's about all I drink is water. I have had lower back prolems since I was a teen. Now in the last few months it's been getting worse. I also have a pain that's been in the bend of my leg for about 5 months. It almost feels like I have arthritis all around my pelvic and back area. My hips and tailbone ache really bad today. Been taking vitamin D and calcium vitamins more now
TexChik · F
@Deeperminds you need a back film
. Doing nothing at this point isn’t an option
. Doing nothing at this point isn’t an option
Lay flat on your back, gently grasp your legs under the knees, and pull them gently to your chest.
Also, try core exercises.
Also, try core exercises.
Pfuzylogic · M
I took magnesium pills.
There are also rubber chiropractic balls you can rest on to stretch your muscles.
There are also rubber chiropractic balls you can rest on to stretch your muscles.
RuiterInSwart · F
Maybe stretches?