because we were not created or meant to be perfect :)

@SW-User Exactly..
LizardGirlEmo · 18-21, F
@SW-User I know. I even told my brother that too and he didn't wanna hear it. He wishes life could be perfect. What should I tell him
SassySpiceSexy · 26-30, F
We're not mean to be perfect. Tell your brother he's human too and we all mess up. It will happen through out his life. Just saying.
JustDifferent · 22-25, F
It helps build you and shape your character.
LizardGirlEmo · 18-21, F
@JustDifferent Okay. I have no problem making mistakes but my little bro on the other hand wishes life would be perfect but I told him it can't.
JustDifferent · 22-25, F
@LizardGirlEmo He'll learn.