Yes sadly that seems normal to me. It comes back out of nowhere for no apparent reason.

I have lows and highs in my mood too. I think it's because the lows are not resolved it comes back.
HotSouthernMess · 31-35, F
@SW-User I think hormones play a huuuuge part as well

@HotSouthernMess yes. Just before my period is usually my worst low.
Lilnonames · F
@SW-User thats what they made chocolate for lol
[image/video deleted]
ItsGonnaBeOk · 26-30, M
Same here but it only comes back like once a month so it's not real bad
OKWTF2 · 51-55, M
I've always thought it was more chemical/biological. Our bodies have cycles and there are real chemical reactions in the brain that can have a great deal of influence over these things. I can usually tell when things start getting bad and prepare to ride it out. luckily it only hits me relatively mild most of the time.
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
It gets bad. I've been thinking about killing myself all day at work. Now I'm home and exhausted that I have to go to sleep now to go back to work.
Dateless · 31-35, M
My depression came back at the worst time I ended up letting go of two great paying jobs because my aniexty started ruining my life, now I’m job hunting in the middle of holiday season and it just feels impossible honestly I refuse to settle for less.. @ScarletWitch
Dateless · 31-35, M
Kicking my ass right now