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Omg, my heart.

One of the foster kids my sister works with (she’s a social worker) asked if he could have her for his birthday. This kid has been in care since he was 2, he is now 5. Unfortunately, my sister is the only stable relationship he’s had since then, because he’s been in and out of foster homes. He’d ask her this a lot, almost like he wanted my sister to take him in. She’s considered it, but unfortunately couldn’t because of the practicality of it all. She got him this doll for his birthday that’s supposed to resemble her. This is the cutest thing ever💙

KayraJordyn · F Best Comment
THIS is PRECIOUS. HEARTFELT. LOVING. God BLESS your sweet sister for her SERVICE, her HEART, her LOVE which is like few in the foster care system will ever get to know!! I'm in a lil bit of tears reading this. It's truly touching. Sorry for being all emo! I hope this little one has a bright future ahead of him, and that your sister helped facilitate it! A social worker named Shawnee changed my life. I don't doubt your sister has made similar things happen for those in need! 🖤 You must be proud. :) Blessings, hunny!
@KayraJordyn Thank you for the kind words😊 It truly is heart warming. I hope things turn around for him in the future. Having to adapt to new faces and surroundings day in day out is a challenge for anyone, this kid like many in the system hold immense strength and resilience. I appreciate you sharing your own experience and that your social worker had positive lasting impression on you. We tend to underestimate the effect of those who have responsibility of care. Social workers, teachers, any protective figure a child can hold onto. It’s beautiful💙
Aw thanks, hunny lady! I mean it. There are some things that children, especially, need, (consistent living situations, love, acceptance,) and when they're lacking, it changes who they are. Having that constant in their life is so important. My nephew's father passed before they got to meet and, at four, my nephew says, "I miss my daddy." He knows something is missing, he simply doesn't know just how much his father is needed, and will be missed. For a child to constantly move and have different foster homes, chaos, your sister is probably the closest thing to a mother this child now knows. It's bittersweet. I pray reunification is healthy and possible for him and his family. In the meantime, he's lucky to have had her in his life. God bless! 🖤 @HijabaDabbaDoo

Peaceful · F
What a sweet and loving gesture! You must be so proud of her! I know I am. 🤗
@Peaceful I am! She’s doing so much for this kid and it’s the sweetest thing. 😊
Projecthonest · 41-45, F
💔 it’s an amazing job to be a social worker.
Gangstress · 41-45, F
I think my heart broke then mended ❤
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
That's adorable. :D
karysma · 31-35, F
Beautiful doll. Looks human 😊. Wish your sister could take him in but t know there are things that need to be considered

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