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FerventT · F
I’m curious to know the answer to this 🙄 I’m sorry but it’s kind of ridiculous what some of you guys are saying 🙁 people are DYING. It needs to be taken care of and no one should have their hands on such weapons regardless. There’s no need. Also while I agree mental health is a huge part it’s too easy to get a gun and I’m not American so maybe you guys can tell me if I’m wrong but mental health care cost money, that not all of these people can afford. There are a lot of problems and a lot of things Americans seem to be willing to over look. It’s not just guns and I understand that but it’s a start.
Notanymore · 36-40, M
@FerventT nah......I don't believe in hating anyone over differences in opinions. Thank you for the compliment by the way
FerventT · F
Of course. Well that’s good. Maybe we’ll cross paths again then 😏 @Notanymore
Notanymore · 36-40, M
@FerventT feel free to say hi anytime

nedkelly · 61-69, M
How many people have been killed by DRUNK DRIVERS? are you expecting them to give up drinking or driving
BlueRain · F
@nedkelly Exactly!!! But that’s not the agenda.
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wasityou · 46-50, F
@nedkelly Sober drivers have also caused fatalities. We should eliminate all automobiles.
Peaceful · F
Americans never will. That's just how it is. So instead of focusing on the impossible, we should be taking a closer look at the unusually high percentage of military/ex-millitary that are doing these shootings. When they come home they aren't given much help to reintegrate back into society after all the horrors they've experienced.

The other place we have to work on is why police and mental health professionals are getting called to these shooters homes and these people aren't given any help which could have potentially prevented these killings.

And finally, anyone that owns a firearm should be given a thorough mental health check each year to be able to keep their guns.
Peaceful · F
@Fangirlsarah1996 is there any talks about criminalizing it and making it harder to get? 😨
Fangirlsarah1996 · 26-30, F
@Peaceful I'll be honest, I have no idea
Peaceful · F
@Fangirlsarah1996 100 attacks a week on average? There better be. Holy shit. 😐️
xixgun · M
I keep my gun so I can defend my family and myself if needed. YOU can sit there with a butter knife hoping for the best, but I’m a little more proactive.
BrklnBlue · M
Hard to imagine but this is the 307th in 311 days. At this rate, almost one a day, we due for 50 more this year. Already 328 deaths so far. Probably 30-40 more by year’s end.

But don’t bring up common sense gun laws like background checks. It’s not the time to talk about that! Just offer your “thoughts and prayers” and look sincere.
BrklnBlue · M
Come on. What would that look like? Do you have any idea how many guns and gun owners there are in US? Who’s gonna go around to a hundred million homes and forcefuly take away millions of guns from well-armed gun owners? @SW-User
@BrklnBlue Perhaps you should do a bit of looking back in history to see how and where it's been done before. It could be very enlightening.

Let's also consider the fact that law - abiding citizens are exactly that... law - abiding. So, if guns are outlawed, they turn them over willingly, in order to obey the law.
@SW-User You’re right, the Founding Fathers couldn’t have conceived of the internet—just like they wouldn’t have ever imagined a black president or women in government. But updating the Constitution when the old tenets were out of date made all that happen, too. If we can somehow use legislation to stop us from killing each other, isn’t that worth investigating ?
curiosi · 61-69, F
We didn't have this problem 20 years ago and we had the same guns. It's not a gun problem.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
@curiosi Don't ever use logic with a leftist, their only priority in life is virtue signaling and using knee jerk propaganda on cue, a vile propaganda which is convenient in promoting their police state "utopia."

They will use crisis, even create and manufacture crisis situations, all this being carried out in order to scare people into relinquishing their individual liberty and force them into a mindless leftist collective hive where logic is an enemy and truth a menace.
curiosi · 61-69, F
@therighttothink50 They are part of the reason we NEED the 2nd!
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
@curiosi It is a societal problem, a generation of drones hooked up to computer screens and their minds being destroyed by leftist group think. A mindset which is incresingly being desensitized to violence, whose cult members exist in a world of illusion. The video game generation.

Many leftists are taught to hate themselves and hate humanity. So many people today are hooked up to anti-depressant medications which are reshaping their brains for the worse.Their brain cells increasingly rotting and deforming through GMOs and fluoride.

None of these virtue signaling leftist freaks ever want to solve the problem or dare to look for the underlying cause. Just yell, "grab the guns," on cue the useful idiots of the leftist police state parrot their rehearsed lines ad nauseum.

Then you have the other maniacs on the left who hate individual liberty and freedom, who are looking to disarm their fellow citizens. Citizens with guns are the only deterrent to a rogue fascist leftist police state but they refuse to use logic, it is against their religion. Citizens with guns are the only thing which keeps these maniac elitist leftist scum from going full rogue with their plans to impose and unleashe this full blown leftist tyranny/police state upon humanity.

Jolly old England, a place where home invasion is roughly three times more likely to happen, only because they know that the people inside won't be able to defend to themselves.

Where were these leftist virtue signaling protesters in the UK when innocent children like Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans were basically being sentenced to their deaths by British bureaucrats? Oh I forgot, the left worships the police state which kills innocent kids, it is their thing, having a bureaucratic leftist police state determine who will live or die is their creed.

Is it just me, but did anybody else notice whenever Trump starts seriously talking about declassifying the FISA documents, we have one of these episodes?
What will America do when the massacres continue - which they will - with illegally obtained firearms?
a gun never killed anyone. maybe we need to give up our crazy people .
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
@DuchessOfMapleSyrup Maybe we should ban socialism, an ideology which has destroyed hundreds of millions of minds and lives. Destroying the use of logic and reason and replacing it with virtue signalers who hate individual liberty and freedom.
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@Greenbare We have strict gun laws but ...

Welcome to Paris France, illegal immigrants. You will behave, won't you?? Edit
Here is a list of not what to do:-

Please don not massacre our citizens with automatic rifles.
Please do not bomb our citizens.
Please do not slit the throats of our priests.
Please do not knife our citizens.
Please do not drive cars at our citizens.
Please do not drive cars at our police.
Please do not drive cars at our police officers.
Please do not use rpg's
Please do not carry Isis flags through our streets
Please do not attack American citizens or French in attacks on our trains
Please do not attack our children in our schools
Please do not violate our women or form gangs that do
Please do not burn the French flag on our streets
Please do not burn the American flag on our streets
Please do not attack our Jewish community
Please do not preach hatred against whom you consider 'infidels'
Please do not illegally block our streets with groups who wish to pray
Please do not store your caches of arms in the mosques.
Please do not attack the LGBT members of our community
Please do not pretend to be children
Please do not pay your boat captains 60, 000 euros for your travel
Please do not leave your wives and children at home to suffer on your behalf, some of you
Please bring your young children on sea voyages where you know full well the boat may capsize.
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
@Greenbare is that even a real beard?
MarineBob · 56-60, M
hell, I just bought two new ones
BlueRain · F
@MarineBob good for you. You can never have too many!
BlueRain · F
I think this is a reason to buy more guns. Giving them up will not stop criminals. Lol
Fangirlsarah1996 · 26-30, F
Drinking, smoking, obesity...all big killers but don't get nearly as much attention as guns.

Like, guns are bad but they don't kill nearly as many, they're just an easier target because they're "louder"
xixgun · M
@BlueRain there are more people killed with hammers every year than guns. According to the FBI
Fangirlsarah1996 · 26-30, F
@xixgun Tbf a guy with a hammer is pretty fucking intimidating.
"Guns aren't dangerous people are dangerous" "you may as well stop making cars too cause they kill people" 🙄 and on and on it goes
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nedkelly · 61-69, M
@whynottalk under the influence of illegal substances
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Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
not going to happen, we understand liberty better than most
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Other than false flags...
But...but ...a good guy with a gun and thoughts and prayers ...and from my cold dead hands and guns don't kill people ,people kill people and second amendment right ,right to bare arms and any other b.s.cliched crap i can spew to justify senseless mass shootings ....
@Notanymore it is neither ...
Notanymore · 36-40, M
@SW-User to me personally, it seems as such...but I'm nobody to cast stones.
@Notanymore ok then
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JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
@whynottalk or just get rid of them maybe?!
Notanymore · 36-40, M
Tell me how we can take guns away from people who intend to break the law?
We love bloodshed. Its our national sport.
Travelbug · 56-60, F
It angers me how these bastard's go on shooting sprees and wipe out people's lives. Something should be done about US gun laws, there is no question about it.
Notanymore · 36-40, M
@Travelbug what do you propose?
Itchypants · M
@Notanymore shoot them all😄
I read it quickly! Thought you said mascaras. LOL. Americans are proud of their guns. So never.
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
@PoetryNEmotion you know my mum only turned 60 the other week, you a bit of a cougar?
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
@PoetryNEmotion you could always interview me if you wish, I will answer all questions as honestly as possible.
@JovialPlutonian I am not a big cat of any kind. I am merely interested in learning a bit about you. I am rather flirty. But not into you like that. Why? Do you wish an older woman to lay with you? LOL. That is a bit rude. And I didn't think you were like that. I am rarely wrong online. Never mind. I release you from any story responsibility. I won't bother you again. Good day.
Doomflower · 36-40, M
If people being shot in church and kids being shot in schools won't do it nothing will.
What will slow it down or stop it is an eye for an eye. Something drastic needs to be done NOW.
@JovialPlutonian I respectfully disagree
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
@SW-User of course you don't when you don't look at the other side of the coin. You only know control through punishment rather than education. You say these ppl SHOULD know better, but that's the point, they don't. So there's no should or shouldn't just what is, and condemning what is so will only cause it to condemn you. One must be understanding of the other if they wish to change why they behave as they do. From how you express yourself you have no intention in understanding them.
@JovialPlutonian If a member of my family ever got shot by some lunatic the last thing I will care about are his needs. 🤦🏼‍♀️
eli1601 · 70-79, M
patkaren1717 · 36-40, M
I will never give up my guns. But i don"t kill people either.
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
307 mass shootings so far this year!
MarineBob · 56-60, M
@JovialPlutonian how many with illegal or ill gotten fire arms
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
@MarineBob I wouldn't know, what difference would that make? You could get a gun legally regardless.
BigHeadScience · 41-45, F
When guns start to kill more people than swimming pools
Canada has guns, too—and they aren’t killing each other. The problem goes deeper than just the weapons themselves.
maybe 40 to 60 more -

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